Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cruising To Vero Beach with Friends

Our day began with a beautiful sun rise...although it is said, “Red in the Morning, Sailors take warning”....turned out to be better than the forecast: partly cloudy with a cool wind.  But the day warmed up nicely......nothing could have dampened our day on Miss gg with these dear friends.

Here comes Mavis...but where is Glenn?

There he is!   Piloting the boat while Walter put the mast down for the only low bridge on today's trip.

This is one of the many high pretty bridges we went under today.

An example of one of the large homes along the Intracoastal Waterway near Ft. Pierce.

Lots of folks out in sail boats today.

We are pretty sure this is a homemade sailing catamaran. Very colorful sails!

The water started getting a beautiful blue-green as we got closer to our destination in Vero Beach.

We also picked up a bit of speed …..here you can see we are coming in on a rising tide (blue/green water)......turned out the water color indicated the fresh ocean water coming in the inlets.

A Coast Guard boat had her flashing blue lights on and was sticking close to a small fishing boat just about out of sight on the left of the photo.
 It appeared two Coast guard men had boarded the fishing boat...not sure what was going on but we were trying to beat the rain and so we moved on.

Yes, dark clouds invaded our day but we only got a few drops of rain on the bridge Isinglass.  The water had taken on the color of the angry sky.

This is a wonderful restaurant called the Lobster Shanty located on Royal Palm Point. Glenn & Mavis took us there a while back when we were visiting in Florida.  I didn't remember it looking like this.......fresh perspective.....everything looks different from the water.

Townhouses within our marina village.

Entering Loggerhead Marina.....yes, it has the same name/owner as the one in Stuart.

Here are our not so energized guests.  Did we wear them out??

Just kidding!!....they did manage to smile.

We all went to our car rental place and then we took the guest-crew home.....it was a fun day but it started early and all of us could use a good night's rest.  We will be here in Vero Beach for a couple of weeks awaiting radar repair and mail.  When we are on the move again you will see it here on the blog.  Blessings to ALL!

1 comment:

  1. That house is beautiful. The water is so pretty. Glad you had fun with your friends. All you're missing here is a forecast of 3-6 inches of sleet and snow. ;)
