Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Gray Day on the Caloosahatchee River

It was suppose to get up to 68 today but we don't think it got anywhere near that and is now 59 degrees...brrrr! We were cool enough today to not only wear three layers of shirt, sweater and jackets on deck but also on the bridge. If there is just a little bit of sunshine we are always toasty warm up on the helm....but there was none today. In the next couple of days the temps may drop down into the 30s. This is Florida, right?

I was chilled coiling up the lines on deck as we backed out of our slip this morning. That's a canal boat to the left of the photo...the owner got it on the Erie Canal.

Under this bridge and into the channel of the Caloosahatchee River....making our way toward Lake Okeechobee.

Some of the waterfront here in Fort Myers.

When a bridge is only 3 feet high and not so busy with train traffic, it is left open.

A LOCK! When the Captain told me we had about 3 miles to the first of 4 locks we would go through before getting to the other coast of FL I started to panic.....old brains forget so easily! Would I remember what to do after going through about 145 locks already...some of them huge ship locks?!.... I preceded to rig the lines mostly for the starboard side...our preferred side for locking....but also got them started for other side. THEN the lock master handed me the two lines I would cleat off on Miss need for our own lines! Here we are getting the green light to enter the lock.

We saw a wide variety of sights along the river today. Here are cattle in the back yard of this house!

Then these two homes

We thought this was a nice idea....the large screened-in area, or cage as some call it, around the patio and pool was incorporated into the home's roof design.

And right next door....more cattle!

Orange Groves! Thought we would see more of these ...perhaps later as we make our way up the River.

Finally, some color!

Swing Bridge.......two boats going the opposite way had called the Bridge tender several times and so had the Captain but no response. I was on the bow when my Captain told me he was going to blow the horn. So glad to get this warning!  But I held on the rail anyway cause even if you know it's coming it is so very LOUD! About 2 seconds later after the horn blowing, the bridge tender called and said the bridge would be opened in just a minute...guess he was sleeping or his radio was off.

All up and down this river were many little side canals...all with fairly small boats but this one really surprised much so that we turned the boat around to get a picture of it.   Looked kinda like an Ocean Liner!

Tonight we are tucked in at the Free City Docks at LaBelle...nice new docks but no finger piers so to get off we have to climb down from the bow....too cold for us to spend time off the boat anyway.  We arrived about 230p but took a while to tie Miss gg securely on rather loose piles...definitely not driven into the river bed....they are wobbly!  High winds coming at 4a.......

The Captain helped this sail boat dock as she slid in between us and another boat filling this dock completely tonight.

Miss gg is on the far left.

Good night from chilly central FL.

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