Sunday, January 12, 2014

City Dock at Ft. Myers

The boat rolled and rocked today worse than much so that I fell against the refrigerator but some how managed to keep my feet under me!  Just a little sore tonight. This was not because of the was flatter than yesterday.... a beautiful day!  But the tossing of the boat today was worse than the first two stormy days of this Adventure and also when we were trying to out run a tropical storm in the Atlantic and into New York Harbor.

I have bragged so much about the boating community how they come to your rescue and are just such nice folks. However, we now know what other Loopers told us about boats on the west coast of Florida to be true. This was all caused by boaters here NOT slowing down when they pass another boat.  I thought this might happen once or twice but it continued ALL day!  It was dangerous to walk around and fix lunch let alone take photos but I did snap a few.

Leaving our beautiful anchorage.

Threading our way around the shallows and into the channel.

This sign says, “resume normal safe speed”!!!!

It was so fun having dolphins all around the boat today. This shows the BIG splash they make coming back down into the water.

This guy jump up in the air right beside where I was standing on the deck, then flipped over on his side before entering the water if to “eye” me closer and then wave at me!

Today's only tug & tow.

A pretty little sail boat.

As we approached Cape Coral there were too many boats coming toward us to count.

I guess at least one other boater was upset by the wakes these boats were causing as he said on the radio, “Thanks for the wake, you just put two people on the floor”!

One of many high bridges we passed under.

Some of the waterfront condos as we neared Fort Myers.

Under this bridge to our marina.

Making our way to our slip at the City Yacht Basin.

We will be here for a few days getting repairs.  Our radar stopped working and then there is the windlass motor which did work fine this morning though I still took the helm and the Captain worked on getting the anchor up. Miss gg has had some problems but we are thankful for this good ship and also for those that pray for our good health...we are blessed!  We will continue the blog when Miss gg is under way again.

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