Thursday, January 9, 2014

Leaving Little Harbor

Yesterday we met our good friends from Q's Cabin, Bob & Monique. They have already completed the Loop and live near where we were docked. I took the camera but we had so much to talk about and had so much fun I completely forgot about a photo! We ate in a restaurant that overlooked the harbor near where we are anchored this afternoon.  It took nearly 4 hours to get here on Miss gg but only 30 minutes to drive yesterday!  And we are in the cruising mode now so we didn't leave until 1030a.....lovin' this!

Walter coiling up the water hose after already getting the electric cables stowed.

The sun didn't come out much today and we did get some rain off and on during our trip here.

Once we got out in Tampa Bay there were dolphins all around us. These two scared me as they swim right in front of the boat going under it also...just didn't know if they were fast enough to avoid the engine props...but this seems to be their favorite place to play.
Look close to the right side of each dolphin that has surfaced and you can see the other one.

Something else I noticed when we got out in the rolling water of the Bay: I was feeling a little sea sick again!  I guess it will take me a day moving on the water to adjust each time we are in port for several days... but it was ever so good to be cruising again!

We were in the shipping lane until this colorful tug and tow came along.

This is the famous Sunshine Skyway Bridge in the distance.  When the Travel Channel did a program on the World's top 10 bridges this bridge was ranked as #3.
Or maybe infamous...we lived here when it collapsed after being hit by a ship.... The Channel coming in from the Gulf is one of the longest shipping channels in the world and one of the most treacherous due to the shallow waters of the Bay and the quick changing weather of Florida. 

We are headed for the wide center span. When the sun is shining it is beautiful as the steel cables are painted bright yellow. 

Underside of this bridge.

Then there were two low bridges we had to go under. 

First Bridge

TheCaptain checked his chart and both bridges were     suppose to have a 20foot clearance...there shouldn't be a problem after he lowered the mast.  


However, the story on the next bridge...(the “Story” is what we call the sign on the pilings that shows or tells you the clearance) said 18 ft! And as you can see we came a bit closer to the underside of this one.

As we pulled into our anchorage there was pretty little Grand Banks also at anchor.

Along with several sail boats.

Took us a little longer to get the bridal on the anchor has been a while since we anchored out.

Our peaceful anchorage.

The wind & the current are gently rocking us...good sleeping tonight!

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