Saturday, January 18, 2014

Too Cold for Trip Down Memory Lane!

Today we were going to Peck Lake where the Captain and his family use to anchor when he was a young boy. They spent many happy summers living aboard the “Eleda” cruising the Chesapeake and up and down the East coast of Florida.  Often spending many days at Peck Lake...never saw another boat there.  We have learned that now it is filled with boats on the weekends.

But this Adventure was going to have to wait.........We thought the cold spell was over but the temperature is suppose to be close to 28 degrees here in the morning!...the coldest yet! The Captain did not want to be anchored out and have to run the generator all night for we postponed this anchorage for tomorrow night.

Sadly, later today we found out that Peck Lake which is actually part of the Intracoastal Waterway, is now filled with dredging equipment, barges & pipe and there is no way a boat can even get into it.

Our friends on “Journey”, Tom & Melesia, also changed their plans and decided to stay here another night.  So we got together for supper and a card game.  

It had been a while since I did laundry so that is how I spent the morning.  Though it was quite cool outside this morning the sunshine on the bridge made a toasty dryer for our shirts....drying them in less than an hour!

Tom and Walter walked to town for groceries and had a long talk coming doubt solving most of the world's problems.  I walked to town for exercise and later discovered I didn't have all the ingredients I needed for white chili so had to go back between laundry loads.....guess I finally got my exercise today......although it was less than a mile one way.

Here is the trawler, Journey, parked around the corner of the dock from us.

This is their sweet sea dog, Mango. Tom & Melesia love to anchor out.....and yes, with a dog on board most folks must dinghy in to land at least once every day you are anchored.

After eating Tom's Clam Chowder and the First mate's White Chili on our sun deck we played SkipBo...Tom won!

Tonight's Moon shone so bright over our marina.

We will stay another night here and then head to Stuart, FL, where we will be delighted to welcome aboard our friends from Vero Beach...Glenn and Mavis...they will travel back to Vero with us.   Also, we needed a return address for Garmin to repair and return our radar dome so we will be enjoying their town for a couple of weeks.  

The blog will continue when we leave for Stuart.  Good night from CHILLY Florida!

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