Monday, January 20, 2014

Indiantown to Stuart

My day began with a loud banging on the head (bathroom) door behind which I stood dressing. Well, I guess it really started before then but my brain only remembers being rudely summoned from the other side of that door!  Yes, My gentle?-man Captain wanted to alert me to the fact that the marina had just asked him to leave as soon as possible because a large boat was coming in for fuel....we were parked on the fuel dock. We were leaving today but I had thought it would be a leisurely know, around 11a...we were only going 2.5 hours to Stuart.

The “Knock” so startled me that I jumped and hurt my back....later the Captain said he thought he was knocking softly.....HUH?? Hearing aid??

We moved out of the marina and into the St. Lucie Canal.

Beautiful sky today and the temps did climb quickly...wind made it chilly on deck but very warm on bridge.

A little ways up the Canal we came to a low railroad bridge....they were also doing construction on it.

We called them and they soon opened it.

New Construction along the way....probably housing development.

Some houses on the St. Lucie Canal.


Our last lock!  A sail boat ahead of us and a small boat behind us.

The lock informed us that they were locking west when we arrived so we awaited the boats in the lock to come out so we could lock east.

Two boats came out of the lock and the second large boat looked very familiar!

It was a Hatteras exactly like ours! The First mate aboard her called over to me saying, “I like your boat!” Ha! Of course I told her the same thing.

After the lock we were on the St. Lucie River.  Nearing Stuart we passed this marina with MANY boats on mooring balls...they looked so close!

Then this lift highway bridge and right behind it a railroad bridge before the high span that would mark the end of our day's cruise....marina on Port side just after that bridge.

Arriving at our Marina.

This was not a simple docking and tie up! They directed us to the first row of docks all the way inside the marina....since we have guests coming tomorrow I was glad for this as it would be easy for them to find us. HOWEVER, the marina failed to tell us to stay close to the piles on the starboard side...and we went HARD AGROUND!!! Had to dig our way back out...slowly. They apologized and sent us a dock with deeper water.  When they came by again to apologized I asked if they would get a diver who could go down and check the props which did sound different (Uh Oh!) . They knew divers but none they would hire for us...….Captain said we won't know until we run them up tomorrow.....

Started cleaning the boat immediately after securing it on the dock...most of the ash from days of being near the sugar cane burning washed off....looking forward to our cruise to Vero Beach tomorrow.

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