Monday, January 6, 2014

Weather Delay, Friends and Crazy Birds!

A few days ago when the Captain said we were not leaving today I was upset. THEN he reminded me we are now in the delightful “cruising” mode and not the hurried “Looper” push. So I relaxed and decided to enjoy this additional time with the family.  Even though bad weather is coming it won't be snow!!

Our friends, Tom & Nancy, from Raleigh, NC were in FL and dropped by the marina on Saturday with their RV. They enjoyed waterfront scenery as the nice marina folks let them stay over night at no charge.  It was fun catching up with them since we share Grand Wonders...daughter, Cathy, is married to their son, Pete.

When I left the marina for my walk this morning it sure didn't look like bad weather was on the way.   I was pretty sure I could do the whole 4 miles before it got stormy.

Love this sign that is in someone's yard I pass every day. It reminds me that not all waiting is a bad thing.

On the way back, as I was walking down the long entrance street to the marina, the air changed...a cold chilly wind began to blow.  And looking toward the northeast the scene at the marina had greatly changed.

Also, in the sky was our ever so funny friends.....when we are not playing with the grand children, our entertainment comes from Bob & Flo, the Osprey couple pictured below. These are large birds with a wing span of more than 71” tip to tip and 24” long.

They are the worse nest makers!  Usually they build their nest of a heap of sticks, driftwood and seaweed. These two are ridiculous....often carrying large long branches of dead palm fronds up to this nest high atop an electric pole...and later breaking it apart and tossing it down to the sidewalk....what a mess...not sure marriage counseling would help!

Presently the boat is rocking and the lines are straining as 28 mph sustained winds are blowing, gusting to 30mph.....Captain checking lines several times today and doubling some....might be a noisy night.  However, at $13/night we won't mind being tied snug with free electric heat! 

We will meet you here again when we drop the lines and cruise about 25miles to anchor out off Anna Marie Island...maybe Wednesday or Thursday.

A pretty Sunrise this past week.

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