Monday, December 30, 2013

Cruising with the Littlest Grand Wonders

Today was suppose to be the least windy day of the week and the sun was suppose to come out this afternoon.  Wind was stronger and the sun never really appeared.

This was not going to spoil our day......the little ones were so excited about going to the boat this the end they said they wanted to be on the boat “forever”!  So fun!

As we began our trip they sat on the deck box with their daddy, Shawn.

Logan, 5 decided he would relax awhile by sitting on the deck and leaning back on the windshield.

Elijah, 3, finally sat still for a photo.

They shared the first mate's chair while eating a sandwich.  As a matter of fact it was hard to catch them when they were not eating!

Logan took the job of piloting the boat very very serious.... he never seem to grow tired & followed instructions so well that the Captain took a seat behind him.

Our daughter, Linda, and the family.

When we came back into port I think I surprised my daughter. She said, “Did I just see you swing your leg over that rail and jump down on the dock???!!!!  Yep!  That is the only way off the boat before the ladder is down and I had  to tie the stern line I had just thrown down on the dock.  Not bad for an old lady?

She also said that she was impressed with us...she said we never did such adventurous things before....well, before we knew her and her siblings....let's just say that some wild adventures gave way to diapers & the work of growing a family.

We expect to be here for another week visiting friends and family. The blog will continue around January 6 when we leave Ruskin, Florida, and anchor off Anna Marie Island making our way slowly to Ft. Myers, FL, where we will begin our trek through the state via Lake Okeechobee.

Happy New Year!!

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