Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day Cruise with Family & Friends

The day was partly cloudy and the wind was 12mph and it was great to be on the water even for this short run of 3 hours. Lots of boats out this Saturday...none slowing down for other boats except us!  We were rocked a lot by passing fast boats....

The Crew Arrives: Our friends, John & Karen Hoke, Walter and Grand Wonders, Amy....... Eddie had run ahead as he doesn't know how to “walk” yet...... and was already boarding the boat so I missed getting him in this photo.

As we slowly made our way out of the SHALLOW creek and into the Anclote River these solemn Pelicans stood watching from their perch. 

Eddie & Amy put on life jackets... friend Karen did also to show the children that even an adult puts one on now and then. We were sitting on the deck boxes when Eddie said, “I wish I could see my first dolphin”.... low and behold two, no three came swimming by just then! Leaping out of the water! He was so excited... here they are watching them. 

There were dolphins all over the place today....such fun! One time four were swimming off the port forward quarter and believe it or not, just like in an act at Sea World, all four leaped high in the air at once.... splashing down in unison....amazing! Then one jumped high as the bowsprit which is about 5 ft off the water AND did it TWICE!

I tried hard to capture a good picture of this action but this was the best I could do....there are two dolphin swimming here just under the surface of the water.

Eddie had started back toward the sun deck when a large fast boat passed us....the wake always comes a few seconds later. I hollered for him to hold on... he did!

I wasn't sure the Captain would let him but Eddie had been telling everyone for days how he wanted to “drive” the when he got to he was very serious listening carefully to all the Captain (known to him as “Dalla”) told him... he did a great job, too!

Then it was Amy's turn.... the Captain was pointing out the markers to her......telling her which side of the boat she needed to put the red marker on and the green marker.

Those two Wonders were so good today!!.... their daddy didn't feel too good today so we broke our rule of at least one parent being aboard when their kids are here..... must admit it was good to have two more adults to help.  Here the kids are on the sun deck floor playing sweetly together... a brother & sister?!

By the time we turned around to return it had become almost completely overcast and the wind had picked up.  Even the Pelicans had decided to just sit on the dock today......

We had never done this before but we tried something new...the Captain left the spring lines on the dock.... this would prove to be a fairly quick way to secure our boat even in a strong wind when we returned. The Captain with the help of Karen and John did a great job of backing the boat up into our slip......missing the concrete piles on both sides. Then with John's long arms and the boat hook  he quickly caught one spring line, then the other, pulled them abroad and I looped them through the deck cleats and we were tied. The Captain cut the engines off and he and John finished securing the boat.

Taking on extra crew was good and it gave Karen and I some girl time...well, when we weren't watching the kiddos.  

John & Karen 

Before the day was over we had celebrated an early Christmas with Amy & Eddie and shared dinner with their daddy on his birthday.... such sweet joys in our lives!

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