Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mixed Emotions

Today the Captain asked me to think about something.... I braced myself for talk about how I could learn to do the lines better or maybe how I could consistently turn off the pump for the vacuum Toilet or any number of other things but certainly NOT shortening our Loop Trip!

He asked me to consider not going around the Florida Keys but going by way of Lake Okeechobee instead.... more locks....this would put us across the state to the East coast much sooner than we had planned. Then visiting with friends on the East coast of Florida before starting home. I must have sat there with my mouth open in total surprise for several minutes before I started asking these questions: You really want to go home before it warms up in North Carolina? Really?! He said, “I think so.” Is this because your hip has started hurting? He said, “No” I don't think I asked too many more questions... just sat there stunned. 

This trip is his trip so if my Captain is ready to start making our way home then the First Mate will agree. However, I was thinking, WHAT? Spend less time in La La Land without a care just when we have begun the “cruising mentality” instead of the “Looper” rush stuff???!!!

He explained further that he and I have been in the Keys many times.... his parents owned a beautiful home on Big Pine Key in the lower Keys... the prettiest part, in my opinion, where even the coral rock is lovelier and the sea bluer. He doesn't want to do the part from Miami up through West Palm Beach......it is overgrown with boaters and you must go very slow as no wake is allowed for miles in the ICW (Intercoastal Waterway). Truthfully, I don't either. We have been to Key West and Marathon many times when we visited the grand parents on Big Pine. We even stayed several days on Little Palm Island where the rich and famous go... my in-laws put the entire family there for their 50 wedding anniversary! Kids on one side of the small Island and adults on the other... kids couldn't get off and some stayed up all night fishing from the pier. Everyone had a blast!

I have had trouble shaking off the gloomies since Walter suggested this cut back on our trip... yet, I love our “dirt” house in New Bern...we have enjoyed the neighborhood. But all that is in me doesn't want to leave the boating community! These folks are awesome and would do anything for you...back at home I don't even know what my neighbors are doing these days as we rarely if ever hear from them. And as you know if you read this blog I have LOVED every minute of this trip..... I have questioned if I could go home again and leave the water life behind?? Will it be like breaking up with a sweetheart? Come now, you think, aren't I exaggerating? I don't think so....

We have been extremely blessed by good health to do this in our old age and I am thankful and soon will adjust to our new plan....but give me time..........

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