Monday, December 23, 2013

Across Tampa Bay to Little Harbor

We left Johns Pass about 10a with only some clouds on the horizon. The Captain said we would have waves abeam today...uh oh! That would mean rolling from side to side...the easiest way to get sea sick!   But I was feeling so much better than yesterday that I decided to try it without the sea bands today.

There was plenty of shoaling so we carefully watched the depth gage and eased our way into the channel.

Not too far from last night's dock was Treasure Island where our Looper friends, Randy & Vicky live....AND when we spotted their boat ...nearly as big as their house!....we sent them a text that we were about to cruise by.  They were out waiting for us as we did.

It was so good to see them......again the boating community is filled with the nicest people.....We love the name of their boat, “Barefootin'”

After about 12 miles we were out in open water... yeah, rolling rolling rolling! Some of the worse we have experienced.  But I am happy to tell you that I never felt sick...hurray the sea legs are back!

Shortly after we docked at Little Harbor the reason for our stay here came along...our daughter Linda and hubby, Shawn, and our smallest Grand appeared they might be making a Superman movie or at least advertising one.

Here are the little guys, Logan and Elijah.  We are invited to be with them early Christmas morning...just after Santa has arrives....what fun!

We will take a few days off from the blog to enjoy this time with family and to give my sister-in-law, Lorena, a break also...she has surprised us with the most wonderful Christmas present delivered to us today.....Three huge photo albums of our Great Loop Adventure...every blog, every picture, every detail.....we are totally amazed that she would take on such a project!  What a labor of love!!

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