Monday, September 9, 2013

A Delightful Birthday Lunch

Last night after the engine room had cooled down to 140 degrees! The Captain went down there to check the cooling water strainers for the engines.  When he ran the engines up yesterday they soon overheated. Sure enough the strainers were coated with algae!   He cleaned and rinsed them with our anchor wash down system. When you are on an old boat that has had a few problems it is Wonderful when the Captain is also a mechanic and engineer!

As we were backing out of our dock and heading for the channel a tow came along with a huge load...pushing 16 barges! As the tug passed us we saw that it was our old friend, Cody Boyd!  No, not getting ahead of us this time but already going the opposite way from the direction we have encountered her before... chances are this won't be the last time either.

Soon the shore along the Illinois River reminded me of a tropical jungle.... OR was that the illusion I was suffering due to a temp today of 98 degrees and more humidity than I remember anywhere in the South!  Some doing the loop are blessed to have an inside helm and they can run their AC.   We have a great view up on the bridge but no air conditioning!

East Peoria Chili's

The Captain enjoyed watching an eagle that followed us for over a mile. He was over the tree tops along the shore some of the time and every now and then he would swoop down over the water as if to get a better look at Miss gg.

Along with the heat and humidity it was also hazy today.  Here is the city of Peoria, Illinois across from our dockage.

Well, have you guessed my favorite place to eat?  Yep! Chili's!  I love the Quesadilla Explosion Salad and that is what I was so looking forward to for my Birthday Lunch.  Yummy!!
And when the manager, Mike, heard our story he treated us to lunch today!  Unexpected birthday present......

Our waitress, Alisha, took this picture of the Captain and his “older” First Mate. 

 Thanks, Mike and Alisha for making my 72nd birthday GREAT!

We are thinking of getting up very early tomorrow, ahead the heat, moving down the river and then stopping early before the expected temps get to 100 degrees!  Perhaps we will wait out the heat.....suppose to be cooler toward the weekend. Whatever we do I will only expect AMAZING as this Adventure continues!  We are so blessed!

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