Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Fun Day with Loopers

This morning was the “Happy Girl” walk which is what Patty, harbor host, calls her walk with the little sea dog, Maggie, each morning... and I went along.  We walked a little over two miles.  Then Linda from Spiritus needed groceries so all the girls (3) went to the grocery store while the guys, harbor host Robert, Walter and Eddie from Spiritus, went to West Marine.  Eddie has something wrong with his generator so that must be fixed before they can continue the loop.   

Girls: Linda, GA & Patty

Patty has recently retired from United Airlines ....she piloted 747s!!

West Marine is way over on the other side of the river so it should not have surprised us that they didn't come back right away but went out to lunch... Guy Time! In the end they would not be back in time for us to go to the museum as planned... well, loosely planned as all things Looping usually are..... 

Guys: Robert, Eddie, Walter

Robert gave his down river talk again tonight about where and how to anchor in a river behind wing dams and a few other odd places. So glad we got to hear this a second time.....tonight the Captain took notes and we had the river charts in front of us. At the end I was not as intimidated as I was on Saturday night when we first heard these instructions. But still I think I will be ever so glad to be off the Mississippi River!

Then the group all went out to dinner tonight at this really neat place in town called Mac's.  Great food and fellowship.  We will miss these dear folks who have hosted us!

Walter, Linda, GA, Eddie, Patty & Robert.

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