Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Beautiful Tennessee River

The first thing we came to outside of our marina was Hickman Lockhart Memorial Bridge.   But it appeared to be a Railroad Lift bridge and they usually don't have such names.

After we passed under it we saw that there were two bridges... the railroad bridge and a highway bridge behind it.

We passed three tows today but only showing one here. They appear to be coming right at us but we got around them okay. 

This is a LONE large tree continuing to grow in the midst of the water marking the entrance to a creek.

I liked this house along the river because it would afford you much exercise going up and down all those steps!

Humbug”, the Nordic Tug with our friends, Pete & Carolyn aboard passed us looking good!

Here is what looked like a non-working dredge with the cutest little tug behind it.

Loved the rock walls along the land beside the river.

Did not like them hiding a green marker among the greenery on the river's edge!  The second most important equipment on the bridge is our binoculars.....when Captain Lenny said we would need them I didn't realize how much!

These houses were all on stilts because of the river rising I suppose.

The forecast is calling for thunder storms tomorrow in the afternoon so our plan is to leave early in the morning and try to get through the lock at Pickwick Lake before the rain starts.  We had a long 8 hour day coming past our planned anchorage by about 1 1/2 hours and have stopped at Clifton Marina.  Just look at the parking job the Captain has done here!  That is "Humbug" behind us and there got here way ahead of us!

We know there may be possible delays ahead so we are pushing to be well on our way to Chattanooga, TN, before we might have to slow down due to weather or other problems.   However, even with the past slow downs this has been THE most amazing journey!

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