Monday, September 30, 2013

Alabama in the Rain

The weather changed!  We left with it raining steadily and it didn't let up until late afternoon. We are glad for the radar.

We were in MS last night at our dock and now the TN River is running through Alabama.
As we left the marina to return to the river a large barge was in front of the inlet and it appeared to me an island in the rain... we saw three tows this morning all going the opposite way... which might have meant traffic at the lock near Florence, AL.

This tow passed us as we were entering the channel.

Here is our rainy day view!

I was so excited to see color after hours in the grayness that I snapped this photo.

Is it possible that there were no building codes along the river here? This house was just two doors down from the last photo.

This is the Florence Alabama Bridge

After passing under this bridge we turned to the port side to get into the channel leading to the Wilson Lock. We put on our rain jackets as we would be locking in the rain.

At the last minute the lock made a change so we would not have to wait. They allowed us to lock up with two tugs boats... because of this Walter had to scurry and change our fenders from the Starboard side to the Port side where the lock master wanted us.

I had lots of photos of the two locks we went through today but I suppose all are probably tired of them so believe it or not I did delete a bunch. Here in this picture we have risen 84 ft. The barges had already locked through and were waiting just outside the lock gates for the tugs. The big tug started pushing with every thing he's got and finally the barges start moving... I could see why it is also hard to slow them down once the barges build momentum.

We had to wait a good while but oh!  So thankful they allowed us to lock with the tugs because they told us the lock would close for repairs right after we got out.  

Here the tugs and barges are way out on the Wilson lake now and we heard the horn blow for us to untie and depart.

Got a glimpse of blue sky peeking out! Hurray!

Here is a perfect example of how NOT to lock! The mid aft cleat is just outside the sun deck door so here I am. I look serious because I was …. you must watch the line and make sure your boat doesn't move off the wall... there is only one floating bollard to hook to for the length of a small boat in these barge all depends on that line!

What was I thinking?! Had the damp weather moistened my brain?... I guess so! Because it was not long before I had to jump up and start pulling with all my might to get the boat back close to the wall... in the meantime, because the stern had swung in the dinghy had scraped the wall!  So Walter had to push against the lock wall with a boat hook to keep the dinghy far enough out while I tried to pull and tighten my line.  Sadly, a dear friend just wrote and said she thought we had become masters at locking!  Oops!

After this lock we were then in Wheeler Lake.

Joe Wheeler State Park was all around us...very pretty.

I hope the Captain thinks I made up for my stupidity in the lock by lassoing both the forward cleat and the stern line cleat on the dock here which is at least 4 ft below our deck.. only then did someone come by to help but we had it all “tied” up by then.

Up the Tennessee River from Mile 215 to Mile 277, through 2 locks and into 3 lakes all just today. We are now at Joe Wheeler State Park dock. The Captain said we can have a lazy morning and walk some of the nature trails here... so glad to be able to walk... need that exercise! Then we will be off again...going UP the TN and eventually to Mile 460 at Chattanooga.

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