Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Wonderful Slow Day

The Captain said we could have a slow day today and we slept until daylight! Wahoo!

We ate breakfast and then I went for walk on one of the many hiking trails at Joe Wheeler State Park. I chose the “blue trail” as it was about one mile and didn't look too hard. But it was rough enough that I was wishing for my trekking poles and hiking boots that I sadly left at the dirt house. Here's a span of fairly flat ground.

My reward was sweet!

Pretty day on Wheeler Lake/TN River.

Some houses along the port side with very low sea wall... we are thinking they don't get much change in the water levels here.

The starboard side had nothing but forest.

The Captain knew this was a nuclear power plant but it sure did not look like one because of the shape of the reactor building... rectangular!  First photo shows acres of cooling condensers. 

Just before reaching our stop for the night we had to go under this train bridge which was 9 feet off the water.

The bridge tender said to come on up and they would raise it for us... and they did but not any farther than it took for Miss gg to get under it!

We met a man tonight here at this marina that is getting ready to do the loop.... fixing up a real pretty Marine Trader trawler.  He kindly took us to the grocery store!  We continue to meet such nice people.  

We had a short day today and it has been so enjoyable.  I will be glad to rise before daylight tomorrow to be on our way to see the Grand Wonders in Chattanooga... another 155 miles or three LONG days...just think, here in Decatur, AL, one could get into a car and drive it in 2 hours!... but where is the fun of that?!

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