Sunday, October 13, 2013

"You're Not Doing It By Yourselves, Are You?!!!"

This young fellow found out we were doing the Great American Loop.  And this was the comment he made after we helped him & his young crew dock his sail boat behind Miss gg.   Did he look at the old people and just think....”Impossible?” Or was it that the boat is so big??....well, it's for sure that Miss gg is a handful being handled by just two people.  Could it be that the water has stirred us to youth?...made us feel so young inside that we fail to see the old faces in the mirror?  Perhaps, so sail on my Captain, and quickly before the image reflected in the water clears and we see those that should be in a rocker on a porch in New Bern!!

Here is the only color in Chattanooga on the street that goes up to the Bluff... you can see the Ocean Aquarium in the distance on left of photo.

I don't think we will see much color in the gorge on the Tennessee River tomorrow.  But we will enjoy going DOWN river for a change....having the current with us it won't take too many days before we will be in new territory for us.... a canal that leads to the Tombigbee River.

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