Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Short Day on the Tenn-Tom Waterway

We rose early in 39 degree weather to try to get into the Aberdeen Lock first thing.
But barge traffic was reported by the Lock master so I had plenty of time to do the breakfast dishes......a rare thing before we leave anchorages or docks.

The lock next reported that they would be ready for us about 9a or 930a. So, being a little ways from the lock, we pulled out at 8:40a. We slowly ease out into the winding channel that we had taken in last night in fading light. I was amazed seeing this in daylight! So many trees, stumps and weeds!......the Captain carefully threaded Miss gg out of the harbor.

Again, we were six boats in the lock... this time including one sail boat.   Leaving the lock.

This was the only tow we saw today...the one that had been ahead of us in the lock early this morning. He was pushing only two barges, one barge wide. The Tug's name was “Sporster”. 

Calm quiet Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway today.

We found it warmer here.. ..72 degrees...yea! It was sunny and not much wind so it felt wonderful.  Maybe I was just thinking of Florida's warmer climes but the office here right in front of our boat dock reminded me of Florida houses.

Here we are on our dock today arriving at 1230p.  Walter is filling the water tank... still have our fenders down from the last lock.

This is a great example of how generous and kind boaters are... these folks on the boat in front, “Sa Sea Sally”, are Loopers towing a small broken down motor boat. They could not go fast as the smaller boat's motor would not lift up out the water. They towed it over 3 hours to get it here!

The Dock party usually happens on the first night in port.... everyone always brings their own beverage but tonight we were asked not to bring snacks... seems some Loopers have realized they are eating too much.  REALLY?!   The First Mate's Club of Columbus, MS.  

Afterward, a bunch went out to dinner... we usually decline joining the dinner group because it is too late and too much food for the elderly...... who ever they are??!!

1 comment:

  1. I know the lady second from the left! We met Belinda and Jim in Annapolis in 2012. They are on Rickshaw...very nice people. They came to see us last spring when we were in Great Bridge, VA. Enjoy the warmer weather.
