Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Tennessee River Gorge

We left our dock mid morning not wanting to be in Chattanooga before the city docks there emptied of the many boats that had come for River Rock Festival. Moving against the current again, it took us nearly 5 hours to get here.

The Tennessee River Gorge is 26 miles long and is the 4th largest river gorge in the Eastern United States. Unfortunately it was an overcast and hazy day... not many pictures really show the beauty here. It used to be called Cash Canyon and was a very treacherous river prior to the several dams and locks that were added to the river up stream and down stream from the gorge.

Here we are entering the Gorge.

Some views of the Canyon walls.

This girl was paddle boarding where there were no docks in sight and the water was nearly 90 ft deep!  She was working really hard but here she was taking a breather.

Some people get to live in this beautiful place.

This is a large boat house with a HUGE nest on top...made me 
     want to wait around to see the size of the bird!

Which reminds me, you know not to text while driving, right?  Goes for piloting a boat also.  I was just texting a one word message when I took over for the Captain... that's all...but I had forgotten about the eddies that were swirling all over the place as the gorge narrowed! When I looked back up I had to turn Miss gg sharply because I was about kiss a boathouse I had absolutely no affection for at all!!

When we tied up at our dock we were greeted by Jan & Don Pritty. Jan works for Precept International... Inductive Bible Study here in Chattanooga.  We were honored to have them aboard!

Then later a couple we have not really seen for some time.. Loopers... met us for dinner..... We walked quite a ways (so happy for this exercise!) to “Tony's” , a great Italian Restaurant.  How fun to catch up with them and see what their personal Adventure has been like so far on the Great American Loop.

Tomorrow... The GRAND WONDERS Arrive!!

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