Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dock Life

I went with our new friends, Sophal & Eileen Thai, to Walmart this afternoon leaving the Captain to finish cleaning the Isinglass on the bridge. We have cleaned & scrubbed for two days now and the old girl (Miss gg) looks better but still needs some cosmetic surgery! She is very photogenic as you know from reading the blog but up close and personal is another story... hope our family joining us in Chattanooga will recognize the boat!

Today Sophal walked with me to the RV & boat department in the store all the while giving me info as to how we could afford to live full time on a boat! Hummmm???

While cooking dinner tonight we kept hearing a boat horn blow... there are no locks here so we knew it was probably the crowd gathering on Sophal & Eileen's dock for the Georgia and Tennessee game. We wondered which team they were blowing the horn I walked over there and thought to also bring my camera.

What fun! Here the tall fella is passing out cupcakes... Georgia fans gathered together with one lone TN fan sitting close to the TV.

The Cupcakes made it all the way to the end of the dock where more folks were gathered and where all the food was put out for all to enjoy.

The couple that had the next to the last slip on this dock and who live full time on their boat had installed a kitchen on their dock!

Here are some of the folks on the dock... lady in bright orange blouse is from England and she and her husband had bought an older boat and completely rebuilt it down to new stringers which are the longitudinal beams in the bottom of the hull!  They plan to start the loop at the end of November.   

The First Mate's club of Hales Bar Marina.

What a fun group of people and so very nice. As you can see from the photos they insisted on sending me home with lots of corn on the cob, meat loaf and mashed potatoes ! They have a pot luck at least once a week.

Tomorrow we head out for Chattanooga which is about 30 minutes by car and about 4 hours by Miss gg. We are excited to see the Grand Wonders!

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