Thursday, October 17, 2013

Gutersville, AL to Decatur, AL

I was up at 530a to finish what the crock pot cooked all night... pulled pork for barbecue sandwiches... mostly for the freezer for the much wished for extra crew members that we still have hope will show up someday aboard Miss gg.  :-)   

The Captain was up early also and we were getting ready when the rain started AGAIN!  We sure didn't want to miss any channel markers in the river so we waited.  About 10a we pulled away from the dock.  Not too long after we were out on the lake/river the fog started coming down lower but not yet on the water.   Just in case Walter turned on the radar.... if you look carefully you can tell where the channel markers are located on the screen.  Thankfully, the fog never really came down.  But it was on the tops of the hills near the river.

This beautiful mountain side is called “Painted Bluff”

This was about all we saw of our planet's sun as we traveled..... taken through the isinglass as it was too cold to go out on the deck!

We did have some “sunshine” in our lives today when our old friends who we had not seen since Waterford, NY, came into view! They had left the Rendezvous of the Loopers at Joe Wheeler Park early to go to Huntsville, AL, and to North Carolina to see friends.  We were stranded with them during the closing of the Erie Canal back in June.  And then when the Mohawk & Hudson rivers flooded the city docks at Waterford we were rescued along with them and many others.  It was good to chat a while via radio with Randy & Vicki from Treasure Island, FL, aboard “Barefoot'n”.

Our day ended about like it started minus the rain.

But then there was the tying up at our 0.50 cents/ft  dock. There is never anyone in the office here and so we expected no help. The Cruising guide instructs you to mail in the fee which we did last time we stayed here.  So I lassoed the dock cleat with the bow line and had tied it on board. Then as Walter was preparing to jump off and tie up the stern, two fellows, an older man and a young guy came along. The older man proceeded to take my bow line off the dock cleat AND untie it from the deck cleat and run it back to where you would tie a spring line all the while I am yelling, “no no no” to him.  I had the spring lines out and ready but I needed that bow line to stay put!!  He didn't put it back but finally handed it to me!   Thank goodness for over 5 months of practice roping dock cleats from our high bow!  I was able do it again quickly. Then the younger fellow helped with the spring line and said he had been trying to teach the other guy about this.... at this point the older fella (probably younger than us!!) said, “THAT was what he was trying to do but I wouldn't let him!”... hahhahahaha.. he wanted to tie the bow line like a spring line. Okay, I sure shouldn't laugh with all the mistakes I've made and still make but I don't think I would have ever had the nerve to untie someone's line!!!

No rain in forecast and another two days and we will be back where we started on our trip up river to see the Grand Wonders. We are excited that the National Parks may all be opened soon. We want to take a car trip (free loaner car at marina) to see Shiloh from Grand Harbor Marina.

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