Monday, October 7, 2013

The Grand Wonders at the Tennessee Aquarium

They arrived at 1130a and there were hugs all around....funny thing about Grand Children, no matter who you are, where you have traveled, the Grand Wonders will be THE most amazing people you have ever met or will ever know! The Captain and I thoroughly enjoyed today.

After lunch on Miss gg we took a short walk to get....???? Ice cream, of course!..... on a chilly day!  Yummy!

Then we made our way to the TN Aquarium....first the salt water Aquarium which was very unique. We entered and rode an escalator up 3 stories to the Butterfly house on top of the building. But first, before you get to the double door..... they don't want any butterflies escaping.... we saw a “jungle” full of sting rays...two from South America and some pretty blue macaws.

Oliver pets a sting ray!

In the Butterfly House Abigail had a new hair least until he fluttered away.

After the Butterfly fun we walked down a dimly lit walk way to the next exhibit that was full of light... this was not a large open room where you go where ever you want but a path that neatly led to each tank along with written stories on the walls.  It was a wonderful way to get the kids excited and involved with what they were seeing.

Henry got to go “inside” a tank with Alaskan snow crabs.

Then all three laid under a tank to watch the salt water fish.

Then we went next door to the fresh water Aquarium looking at the most unusual sea horses that look like floating sea weed! And lots of lots of jelly fish, sharks, turtles, frogs....... I sure didn't want fish for dinner!

On our way to our dinner we walked past the Hunter Art Museum. This used to be a private residence..... we have not yet seen the inside but we enjoyed the details of these Corinthian style columns.

Here is a close up of the architecture.

These precious ones must return home tomorrow after breakfast..... we were blessed to have shared this day with them.  God is good!

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful family! Grandchildren are so much fun. They remind us of the wonders of every day all over again! God bless you and smooth sailing to you!
