Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday at Green Turtle Bay Resort

I once asked, “How does one live a dream they never dreamt?” The answer was, of course, that I was just catching a ride on the Captain's dream....just that I'm a hitch hiker here!   But now as we enter our 5th month of this incredible journey it has become my dream, too.  You would think this would become old but it never seems to.... I am still loving it!

It was fun this morning to enjoy a slow breakfast... no running to batten down the hatches so to speak. Then we had boat chores, washing clothes and scrubbing down the deck.  But I did get time for a two mile plus walk around this lovely place and also, by accident, found the town... yeah, I was lost!

Miss gg in slip #6.

On my walk around this large property I found their Spa. This is where the indoor pool, the aqua classes, the spa services are located.... massages, too!

I loved the long shady path through the woods down to the beach.

I was able to walk to a place that was right across from the lock we came through yesterday.  There is a tug boat waiting to get into the lock.

At our marina there are Houseboats bigger than our house in New Bern!!  They are all double decker massive things!

We had our usual gathering of Loopers tonight.  We were surprised how many couples we had not yet met that are doing the Great American Loop.  Here is the First Mates Club of Green Turtle Bay.  One or two you may recognized from previous photos but most are new to us.  And this represents only half of the looper boats that are here.

Another day here and we will be off again and soon on the Tennessee River...going UP it instead of down for while.  So come on along.....

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