Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Phone Booth in Carabelle?

Today was a slow lazy nice.  It was overcast most of the morning with the sun peeking out just a little mid-afternoon. When we got hungry we walked over to The Fisherman's Wife and ate fresh sea food...delicious!

We had not finished cleaning yesterday so we accomplished a bit more this afternoon.

Carrabelle Police Department has something unusual about it so we went to check it out... sure enough, it is “The World's Smallest Police Station”!  Not sure but we think it still has only one day policeman.

It appears to be a phone booth... WHO remembers this odd thing...The “Phone Booth”?

Cathy went INTO the Police Station.

Back at the boat we noticed that another trawler (a Looper) came in from Apalachicola....where they said there were no Loopers.  We didn't recognize the boat named, “Thanks Dad”.

There aren't many Loopers here either and probably won't be now until after the holidays. Some were delayed by weather and repairs at Dog River (Mobile Bay) and have now parked their boats to rent cars or fly home for the holidays.   Of course many have already crossed the Gulf from here earlier this month.

The possibility of “buddy boating” may be something we want to do with these other boats....some will no doubt travel faster than we do but still during the long dark night we can call each other at  designated times to make sure all is okay.

The weather window for Friday is becoming more critical with a cold front coming into Tarpon Springs Saturday afternoon predicted to kick up the wind & waves...... hang in with us..... the big decision will not be made until Friday morning...... and as you know even that can change if we get out in the Gulf and feel the ride is just too rough for us.... we will just have a chicken party back on the dock........unashamed!

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