Monday, November 25, 2013

Old Movies and a Walk in the Dark

At 430p, with my walking shoes on, I left the Captain and his daughter looking at a OLD war movie. The cooler weather drew me to the palm lined streets of old Tarpon Springs....all around the Bayou and then across a draw bridge by the Yacht Club and down Riverside Drive. The sun set and clouds moved in and it was darker than I thought it might be with only a few street lights here and there.  I don't know if it was because the wind had died down or I was warming up from the walk but I had to take off my jacket and tie it around my waist.

A few friendly Greek folks were also out walking around the Bayou but not anywhere else.  I was alone and it was dark and I was unafraid.  I loved the light breeze... it was a good time to talk to my Father and praise Him for this wonderful country we have been privilege to explore.

It was after 7p before I got back to the Marina which was locked up and I had not taken my pass key.  Cathy came and opened the gate for me....I couldn't believe that old movie was still not over!!....they made them long way back when....but how nice that those two had the love of old movies in common.... a nice daughter & dad night.

For those of you that follow us on the blog there will not be one for a few days as we celebrate Thanksgiving with our son and his children.  We will be here at this marina through most of next week.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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