Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rocking at the Dock!

There was no sleeping in this morning due to the noise of the waves hitting Miss gg and the bouncing around we were doing plus the lines holding us at the dock were squeaking and something was banging against us. Turned out to be our boarding ladder which Walter hauled back in at 415a!

There was plenty of sunshine but sadly for the Captain the high today was 57 degrees and the wind was 20 to 25mph with gusts to it felt a lot cooler.

The Mechanic came and looked at the prop shaft in the engine room while the Captain ran the engines....the shaft is wobbling slightly but the mechanic said he had seen worse than that and the shaft and engine just kept working fine.  However, he wanted us to take the boat out so he could see how the shaft runs while actually going through the water.  This was arranged for sometime after lunch.

Once I got outside and felt the wind and saw the waves I was surprised the mechanic would want go out in this weather.  And I remembered that it wasn't so long ago that I would have had to wear my sea bands for sea sickness with the motion the boat was going through today at the dock!  I looked at the Captain and said there was no way he should take the boat out today!  Funny thing was that he quickly agreed and then said he was relieved and called the office to reschedule the sea trial for another day. The Captain was most concerned about us being able to dock Miss gg in this wind... with all our isinglass (plastic windows) it is like having sails up that you can't take down!

Most of the laundry did get done but this marina has one washer and one dryer and with so many stuck in port they also did laundry. I do have the luxury of a washer and dryer aboard Miss gg …... the washer is okay if you just do several small loads but the dryer is amazing... it will dry ONE towel in about 3 hours!  Yeah, I'm still doing laundry tonight.

Good News: we may have found the third mate...the one to keep us awake while crossing the Gulf.  Our daughter, Cathy, is coming to Carrabelle, FL November 19 and will stay with us on the boat until November 26.  IF we have a good weather window during that time she will be with us.  And if not she will at least get some of the warm FL weather that she loves...we hope.... the locals here told us in was in the mid 80s last week which is more normal for this time of year.

Going to and from the laundry today I was reading the names on the boats.  Maybe someone will do a book one day on boat names and how people come up with these names.   Some are so funny....Here is one I really liked.  

We are hoping we will be rocked a bit more gently tonight... Com' on warm weather!

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