Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Waiting out the Wind Storm

The wind bounced us a lot last night...I slept through most of it but Walter was awake part of the time tending lines... trying to make them stop squeaking. This morning I found that a few things had fallen from their places here and there on the boat proving we did move around a lot.  

It was 42 degrees and the wind continued to blow us around in our slip and didn't let up at the expected time of 9a. Then we heard there were 2 foot waves in the long lake we had to cross today. Two foot waves are not bad and we will probably have that and even 3 foot waves in the Gulf Crossing but it is the direction that the waves hit the boat that makes it a problem. With the wind coming from the north today those waves would have hit us abeam... from the side which rolls the boat the worse. This would have been very uncomfortable on the long nearly 8 hour day.  So we elected to stay in port..... so glad we were not anchored out!

Beautiful Sky tonight... we have noticed the sunsets more on the water than on land... we never get tired of them.  It's like God saying, “Sleep well, I've got the Night... I'll be there in the day for you, too.“

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