Saturday, November 16, 2013

It's a Miracle!

The Captain got the extra props out one at a time... they are very heavy. He put them on the dock as we awaited the diver. The extra props were stored in my shoe locker... yea, more room for, he would probably take back the damaged props!

The Diver arrived without air tank. When asked about it he said, “Sugar, I do this the old fashion way”!  Love being in the south again.... he also braved the cold water without a wet suit.... I wanted to ask how long he had been down from Michigan.....

Here is Mark, our Diver, checking his gear...air compressor, hose and mouth piece.

He brought his Specialized Tool: Sedge Hammer?

Going down to swim platform

Into the Cold Water....brrrrr

Going under boat

In this photo he is standing on the bottom showing us how shallow the water is at the dock....a little over 6 feet.

He just went down without tools to begin with to assess the damage.  It is a MIRACLE that he saw NONE!  Not one bent place on either prop!  We asked him to check one more time to be sure and this time he ran his hand all the way down the keel and found nothing wrong! Yes, we are praising God!

I don't think the Captain minded carrying back in those heavy extra props at all.  We were ecstatic and decided even though it was nearly 11a.m. to leave our safe harbor and travel to Carrabelle where we will await a good weather window for crossing the Gulf.

Leaving Apalachicola

Heading for the ICW channel.

I had things to do on the boat so as we were underway I ran around hanging up wet clothes from the washer and various other things...maybe that is why I forgot to put on my sea bands when the water got rough....rougher than we have had before due to the direction of the wind... yes, we were ROLLING!  I put them on but nearly got sick anyway...knew I had to be ready to help dock us at the Moorings fuel dock.....thought I might not make it but my stomach did settle down in time.. however, no dinner for me tonight.... won't make this mistake again... will just sit with my bands on next time...the Captain is hoping this was not a vision of our Gulf Crossing.. me a little green!

Our greeters and line catchers, Grace with her husband, Jeff on right from SeaGlide (Asheville, NC) and Tony from Summer Recess.

The Gathering of Loopers tonight was like a homecoming for us.. old/new friends from Waterford, NY....most of them are leaving tomorrow afternoon as good weather is predicted for them to cross the Gulf through Monday.

About 8 couples were there and here are a few that hung around for a picture.  Couple on far right are Vicky and Randy from “Bearfootin'” … they live on Treasure Island near Tampa so they will be flying the Gold Burgee soon after the crossing. Couple in middle are Al & Charli from “Always 5 O'clock” and they,too, are almost home (Madeira Beach, FL). That's Grace standing next to that other couple.

We will be cleaning and sprucing up the boat the next two days before our daughter arrives.  Looking forward to spending this time her, catching up on family after being away for over 6 months.  It will be a good time even if the weather doesn't cooperate for the crossing of the Gulf.

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