Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mobile Bay

We were up early again today and on the move about 7a. When the Captain retrieved the stern anchor the boat swung way out toward the channel... so glad he insisted on using it last night!  The Tombigbee River was calm and the sun was out when we left our anchorage.

Here is where the Alabama River joins the Tombigbee... on the right side of the photo. They said the water color of the Alabama is pretty but the bright sun kept us from seeing any color difference.

This is some of the Industry we saw along the river.... we couldn't figure out what kind of plant this was however.  It looked like a power plant but there were no power lines.  ???

In this photo we have just cruised under the Dolly Parton Bridge... you know why they call it that, right?

We were excited to see our first Pelican......knowing we were getting close to the Gulf.  Our wake didn't seem to even disturb him. 

Entering Mobile Harbor. 

Ships everywhere... Some loading, some unloading and some moving through the harbor.

Did you know that it is cheaper for the US to get China to send new containers with each shipment because it would cost too much to send the empty ones back.?! they are piling up all around America's ports. 

This surprised us... a round tug boat.

Here is the new Stealth destroyer.  It is built to cut down on its radar image.  It looked like a huge trimaran.

We passed downtown which had three tall buildings and a pretty park by the water. That appears to be a large stadium in the background on the left side.

The Mayor's office!

Though we saw no large cruise ships they must come in here as this is a passenger loader for one.

Just before we left the harbor we passed this massive oil well drilling ship.

We are heading out into Mobile Bay.

Straight ahead is the Gulf of Mexico...WAY down there.

We had to travel about one more hour to get to our dock.  We turned to starboard and had to navigate a narrow channel that was 8 ft deep ....... most of the Bay is very shallow.  Our destination is under this bridge... Dog River Marina.

We are having a marine mechanic look at our prop shaft that might be bent.  We think it has been this way a long time... Miss gg might have to be hauled if the trouble can't be seen from inside the engine room. The Captain will also be working to replace one toilet completely and repairs on the other one.  The First mate will also be busy washing clothes, provisioning the boat and cooking up meats to freeze for later meals.....and I might add, Sleeping in!

We are so glad to be beside the sea......nice cool breeze blowing tonight and in the morning the warm air will bring smiles to the Florida boy, my Captain!

1 comment:

  1. There ARE cruise ships going out of Mobile Bay because we took a cruise from there one time. Will you get to explore Mobile? Very pretty city.
