Saturday, November 9, 2013

Holes in the Boat!!

Repairs continue so we did not go anywhere today.  It was chilly this morning but has turned into a bright sunny short-sleeve kind of day. Wahoo! The Captain is happy!

I thought I would take today to clean out storage areas and repack stuff that is stowed aboard in the “holes”.  One of these holes is in my galley counter.   Now, I know how the crumbs got in there because I store the toaster there but how those chips did is a mystery...hope we don't have a mouse aboard ship!

After it was cleaned out, here is all this stuff that went back in the counter hole...... still plenty of room left for more... like those particular pots or pans I wish I had brought.

This is a very big hole under the galley floor...... at least two kids could hide in it... I think they might even do this without emptying it first.

Here is all the equipment that goes in that floor hole.

Celebrities pulled in today!  The Active Captive boat... they own and run one of the most helpful and most viewed Marine info websites.  If you go there you can find out about anchorages, Marinas and places one might need to be warned about... charts, etc.

Back to the “holes”: Our main stow hole is under the port side V-berth. The Captain would not allow me to empty it as he is in charge of this one.... I can't lift some of what we keep there anyway.  It is stocked with cases of drinking water, many packages of paper towels, Klenex, lots of boat TP and a few parts for vacuum pumps.

Repairs are done...everything is working for now!  Yea! Tomorrow should find us making our way farther down Mobile Bay and entering the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway.  

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