Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wrapped in Warmth

How good the sun felt today as we traveled!   We arrived about 3p today at our anchorage.  We are in a cove near Orange Beach, AL just off the Gulf ICW. The sun has been bright all day... very little clouds. Dolphins greeted us along the way... but disappeared before I could get a photo.

We had some rolling with white caps on the water in Mobile Bay and each time we made a course change the waves hit us differently..... the worse is the abeam waves.. coming at us from the side. First I just put my sea bands (sea sickness bracelets) in my pocket but I knew it was bad enough to put them on when I had to hold on with one hand to move anywhere on the boat. Once we got across the Bay and were more protected by surrounding land our ride smoothed out.

This boat was one of our neighbors on the dock. The huge yacht, 103 ft plus, came in last night in the dark!  Walter helped them tie up... couldn't believe the size of their fenders!  Only the delivery crew was aboard.....nice folks.

Here is one of those round tug boats that we have yet to actually see pushing a barge....wonder how they hook up to a tow?

A lighthouse we passed.

Such beautiful water in Mobile Bay!

We had lots of tug & barge traffic today which surprised us since we left the rivers.  This one churned up the muddy bottom...most of the bay is very shallow.

Heading into the an inland part of the Gulf ICW.

Right under this bridge is a fun place to eat so we have been told but we had already had lunch.

Lulu's: Tie up your boat and dine on the dock.

Or if you don't like that idea you can visit Tacky Jack's across the waterway.

Getting close to our destination as Orange Beach Marina appears. Many Loopers stopped here for the night.

But we chose this quiet anchorage.

It was a wonderful day on the water as we enjoyed the warmer air and cool breeze.

Our sunset tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know the area you are in...all the places were covered on our way to the east coast in 2010. Enjoy...the water will be beautiful soon. We love the west coast of Florida...maybe one day we will make it back there.
