Friday, May 24, 2013

Annapolis: A Dark and Rainy Day

Navel Academy from across the Severn River
We were excited to see this historical town so we layered our clothing and caught the 9a shuttle to town. Apparently, President Obama knew we were coming so he came along also with his 4 helicopters & many secret service men! Today was the U.S. Naval Academy graduation and he was the main speaker!  IF we had anchored out in that river we had looked at we probably would have been chased away early this morning as it appeared to be blocked by patrol boats when we later crossed the bridge near the Academy.  

The sequester has caught up with us! The Blue Angels do a fly over on this special day and also an air show over the town... that was all cancelled due to lack of funds. But it was at least nice seeing the cadets around town in their dress uniforms:  summer whites with short sleeves! Brrrr!

We were able to just walk onto the Naval Academy campus with picture ID.  We were too late for the tour and the museum there had closed early but the campus was open to walking self-guided tours. The Instructors/officers live in beautiful old homes. ALL the cadets, some 4000 plus, live & eat in one building that covers 32 acres! The Chapel is magnificent.....from outside...many weddings take place there each year... it was closed also.

The rain did let up about 2p but the wind blew stronger. It was almost bitter cold. We were pretty wet when we caught a ride on a tour trolley. So much history of our country is here... many men who signed the Declaration of Independence lived here. Much of the architecture copied the European style...A large traffic circle around the Governor's house is on the highest hill, then another circle goes around the church on the next highest hill. This says a lot about how important the church was to the town planners. The town streets radiate out from these two circles. 

We were told that Annapolis has the most Georgian style architecture in America.  

Main Street Looking Toward the Church on Second Highest Hill in Town

Cute Shop!

Winds and seas are not looking good for tomorrow. We will make a decision in the morning about traveling to Baltimore harbor... checking charts now and looking for anchorage. Watch the tracker!

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