Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Night on Miss gg

We spent the early evening putting things away & the second part of the night trying to remember where we put other things brought days earlier! Then we realized we had forgotten the coffee pot and toaster for the next morning so we made a 10p run to the house. We now know we should have been living on the boat for at least one week before departure.

When we returned I climbed up to our “observatory”.  The city lights block a lot of the stars but
the planets, Jupiter and Venus, were easy to spot in the west northwest sky. I can only imagine what God has in store for us when we are anchored out.... maybe up a creek.... with no bright city lights nearby.

Our bed is so comfy! I was sure I would have a back ache when I woke this morning as it is rather soft though a tempur-Pedic. But I felt great! Walter also has trouble most every night waking about 3a with his shoulder hurting. Usually he takes Advil and has to stay up a while due to our bed at home (also a tempur-Pedic) being too firm and very uncomfortable for his shoulder. But he went right back to bed and fell asleep quickly. Of course all of this occurred after we got used to some new strange little noises! Water lapping, liquid bouncing around in some tank somewhere, strange sucking sounds... what on earth????!!!!

I don't think it will be long before we get used to the new sounds and the amazing quiet at night is wonderful!

We might actually leave this weekend... watch the satellite! ;-)

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