Friday, May 31, 2013

Dream a Little Dream with Me? Okay!

How does one live a dream they never dreamt? I'm a hitch hiker here catching a ride on the Captain's Dream and LOVING IT!

Leaving our Anchorage this morning about 730a & cruising directly into the sun made it not only hard to see but very hot on the Bridge! Even with all the smileys opened we could not feel any breeze! Walter could not leave the boat on auto pilot long as
there was some junk in the C & D canal that he had to maneuver around. He occasionally got some relief standing behind the captain's chair where there was a little bit of shade.
The Chesapeake-Delaware Canal

Some Canal traffic

Hot Hot Hot!!.... I do not tolerant heat well....... would today be the day I jump ship? But before I could plan my escape we were out of the canal and had made a turn. This gave us a breeze so strong it made us almost chilly. And we gained 2 knots moving faster than expected due to the current in Delaware Bay. So we decided to skip the planned anchorage and go all the way to Cape May, NJ. However, we have now decided we will not do this long day travel again... just too many hours.. we arrived here at 545p.
Approaching Chesapeake City Bridge crossing C & D Canal

The water in the C & D canal was muddy but after we left the mouth of the canal and came into wide Delaware Bay the water was a pretty green.

The water stayed smooth a while and gave me time to make our lunch. But then white caps everywhere … it looked like little white dashes that would appear suddenly with the sun bright on them and then as one would go away another popped up.... so pretty. We began to have some current that was going against the waves and making them higher... this must be what it is like to ride a bucking bronco! This is just fun? unlike the side  to side rolling.  After we were past the point of no return to our anchorage and well on the way to Cape May the wind started increasing.  We made another turn which put the waves now at our quarter bow. The wind got higher and pounded us as we were rolling and bouncing!  I had to hold on to keep from flying out of my first mate's chair! This kept up until we were safely in the canal leading to Cape May.   
One of Several Lighthouses in Delaware Bay

The wind had come up and I couldn't believe what Walter was going to have to do to get into our slip! Tall piles that I thought we would hit but he was amazing and only had to back up once to line up a bit better to make a sharp turn into the marina... then at our slip were all these people, men and women to help.. this was so cool as they were all Loopers! They meet every night here to compare notes. I said to one guy that I was sure he could give us much advice. He said, “Oh, yeah... I know so much...he is from Los Angeles and just bought his first boat in FL and said he didn't even know there was a Cape May until recently.... I do hope we get to chat with these very nice folks soon... OH! They have got some big boats, too. One is a beautiful Grand Banks.

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