Friday, May 17, 2013

Change of Plans...Twice!

Last night after I posted to the blog we decided to take the dinghy into the dock and walk to the grocery store and also on the way there go by West Marine for boat parts...... a boat is always needy! This was a new experience for me...getting into the dinghy. Its easy the way Walter has set it up....very different from other boats.  In its horizontal position above the transom it easily lowers and one can just step into it from the swim platform. We motored over to the $5 dinghy dock and found it closed because the boat store was closed! Bummer! Before we left the forecast had not called for rain though the sky was clouding up. We came back to the boat disappointed but God again had taken good care of us. A big wind storm came up and blew us around a lot... then the rain came... so glad we were not walking the two miles to town. The concern was not that we would have gotten wet but that we would have worried a great deal about the boat and the anchor holding. I was glad for this anchor test to be during daylight hours. Walter let out more chain and it held nicely. Two sail boats were also anchored in our bay and they didn't toss around in the storm as much as we did! They can let their sails down but our isinglass on the Sun deck and the Bridge acts like big sails in the wind.

This morning and afternoon we have had smooth water.  Chesapeake is huge..if you are near one shore the other shore is very faint on the horizon.  Here is the Captain relaxing:

Captain Walter working hard on The Chesapeake
Today turned out to be a longer day than planned.  Cruising to Tangier's we heard the forecast on the radio for the next two days.  2 foot seas!  Not so bad really but the last time there was this prediction was our first day afloat and they turned into 3 ft seas and we had to stop in Oriental.  Also it seems to us that if we must be in one place for two days that Solomons Island might be better than Tangier's and so we passed that Island and set the course for Solomons Is. where we had planned to be tomorrow night.  

Even though we are only doing 8 knots we leave a big wake behind us:  
8 Knot Wake behind Miss gg

5:30p We are now anchored up Back Creek at Solomons and about to launch the dinghy and go  exploring..... maybe find a good sea food place to eat.  Loving this Adventure!  

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