Sunday, May 26, 2013

Baltimore Harbor

Leaving Annapolis in Bright Early Morning Sunlight 

After filling our water tank and a pump out we left Annapolis about 8:30a. I was sure glad for my wrist bands...or sea bands that press an acupuncture point that keeps you from being sea sick. They work great! We had waves abeam (against the side of the boat) which made us roll from side to side as we went forward. It was too not bad.. Walter didn't even take Dramamine... maybe I was moving around too much... going up and down in the boat.
Bridge from Annapolis to the Eastern Shore
As we went north in the Bay it narrows and we passed under the bridge that connects Annapolis to the Eastern shore. 

After this bridge and up the Bay a ways we made a turn and the waves then hit us on our forward quarter which was little better. Our final turn as we approach Baltimore put the waves were right at us as we went against the going out tide which slowed us half a knot.

We passed a long barge that was carrying gravel and a lot of birds, sea gulls, riding on top getting a free ride to somewhere!

We motored all the way to the Inner Harbor where there was just too much action on this Sunday for us. The National Aquarium is there, a large Museum, a WWII submarine, a tall sailing ship and few restaurants & three of many Marinas! So we came back up the Patapsco River & found anchorage near a free dinghy dock and a small sailing club. One other boat is anchored here.
Approaching Baltimore Harbor

Walter walked out on deck and stood over the anchor and set the “Drag Queen” on his Iphone.. this tells us when the anchor might be dragging or pulling out of the mud. Then we cranked up the generator for a few minutes to heat some leftovers for lunch. We were just finishing lunch when a siren went off! It was not so loud a noise but disturbing none the less... it was DRAG QUEEN! Walter hurried up to the bridge and discovered we had moved probably 20 feet!!! Not good when you have a sail boat in same area and a sea wall around a condo development nearby! It took him a good while to reset it after we moved back out of this little inlet a ways... away from the condos.. giving us more privacy and further away from the sail boat.  But the alarm went off two more times! During this time our Grand Wonders, Amy & Eddy called. They wanted me to put the phone next to the alarm.. ha!  They thought this great fun and I tried to sound as if it were nothing we couldn't fix.....However, IF this should happen tonight in the dark I will NOT be calm! 

This is not the “anchoring out” that I like where we are nearly all alone up a river. We are almost downtown Baltimore but then the sites to see & things to do are nearby. We will be here until I fly out to FL to see my eye doctor on Wednesday.... a regular quarterly visit due to my hemi-facial spasm that is centered around my right eye. I hate to take this time out but we had to arrange this early and when we did we forgot about the holiday weekend! Otherwise I would have had this done tomorrow & been through with it.   It's good to have a fully refundable old lady (Senior) ticket!
Huge Roll-on Roll-off car carrier Ship passed us on way into Baltimore Harbor

The Captain has the charts laid out on the salon floor now planning how we can make up time when I return from FL.  By the way, I was doing the charting back at the home port but he made a 95% on the 10 hour navigation test and I only made a 86% so I thought he should do all the charting. :-)

I think we have about decided to stay on the boat until late today... just to make sure the anchor holds. If we feel confident about this we may call the $3 water taxi for a ride to downtown.  

 Here are a few photos of the Inner Harbor in Downtown Baltimore:


  1. I love Baltimore! I remember sitting on a park bench near the water only a few hundred feet from where you are now! Fort McHenry was interesting!
