Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 4 NO parts!

What do you do when the ordered parts for the boat don't come?... you become a tourist..Wahoo! I had toured around a little bit but now Walter could join me. Taking the ferry to Portsmouth across the harbor he found a “Lightship” at the Naval Museum. Many years ago before lighthouses these boats were anchored by hazards. The sailors kept the light burning 24/7 on these small boats in all kinds of weather. The museum was actually closed but Walter climbed up a ramp leading to a parking lot and snapped the photo.    

We met another couple today three slips down from ours.  Bob & Janet are also doing the Loop and came off their boat to chat.  They are from Atlanta and like many Loopers we have met are newly retired. And together we watched a most exciting event: The Spinning of a Cruise Ship in our harbor!!   The ship was nearly as long as the river was wide! I wasn't sure it would miss hitting our pier... it had been parked for a day just down from our marina.  Many came to watch this huge ship make the turn using its bow & stern thrusters.  As she turned toward the Chesapeake there was no longing in our hearts to be on that floating resort with all those people!  We knew we would soon be taking our boats to places where big liners can not go......Our Adventure is smaller yet huge in many other ways.

Cruise Ship cast a big shadow on our dock
Weather is calling for high winds tomorrow so we are glad to be in safe harbor another day.  We will explore the Naval Museum next door and hope for arrival of parts by early afternoon.  Then by Thursday we hope to be back on the Loop.  God bless!

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