Monday, May 13, 2013

Norfolk Day 3

After working for 2 days Walter has finished the installation of the new winches and at last the dinghy is lifted into position on the transom of Miss gg.

In this picture to left of our boat is another looper boat, a Grand Banks trawler,  just in last night on way up to the Chesapeake.  I met Linda in the laundry room as she was saying to herself, "My looper clothes are looking loopy"! Ha!  A bit later I introduced her to Ginny & Bob and we listen to her experiences on the Loop when they started in FL and decided to go backward awhile going up the Midwest rivers a ways and then the 26 hours of sheer fear when they had a very rough crossing of the Gulf.  She related this to having a baby saying once it was done she forgot the pain!  We all agreed this has to be the most fun any of us have ever had.

In the afternoon, Ginny and I took a very long walk around the historical part of Norfolk.  The neighborhoods are so pretty.  There are lots of public parks that are kept immaculate.

Good News! We will not have to haul (take out of the water for repairs) the boat yet.  Walter looked again at the stuffing box for one of the rudders.  It has been stuck but he tried tapping on it a little harder than last time.... I had planned on being OFF the boat when he did this cause it could have broken and then the water would have really flowed inside!  I tripped over him lying on the floor in our cabin with the box open trying to move the part again and this time it did move and he has stemmed the water flow a lot... still dripping a bit but we are good to go! Well, almost....

We now wait until some parts are delivered tomorrow for the two heads (toilets). When those are installed we will be on our way again. It has been good to rest in one place... for me...Walter certainly not rested....

Someone who wanted to join a looper on their boat asked, "Where do you expect to be on a particular date?"  The Looper said, "The only thing I expect is to be AMAZED!


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