Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gone Gone Gone from Home Port!

We knew on Saturday night that the weather was going to be windy and the seas fairly rough Sunday but we decided to go anyway as there would be no real change in the climate until Thursday.. a long time to wait when we had already delayed several times.

Walter took Dramamine and I tried on the sea sick bands on my wrists which I decided were way too tight so took them off.

While the engines were warming up and the winds had calmed down a bit Walter removed most of the lines while I was dumping trash. Returning to the boat I only had the starboard spring line, the forward starboard line and the aft starboard side line to take off.

Though it was early several boaters had come to say goodbye and wish us safe cruising. But I guess the Captain thought there might be some who didn't know we were leaving.... at this same time I was on the forward deck winding up the stiff old lines and standing about 3 feet from the air horn! You guessed it! The man pushed the button and alerted everyone.... Miss gg had begun the Loop!! He told me later that he meant to warn me but in his excitement to finally be off........ I'm sure I will be able to hear again soon!

It was a dreary day but we were just so happy to be on our way! Soon I would wish for a seat belt for my first mate's chair on the bridge!  We were rocking and rolling in the Neuse River. The forecast was for 2 to 3 ft seas. It got so bad that the auto pilot could not hold Miss gg on course. While Walter went below to turn off something that should not have been left on I took the wheel.. I had forgotten how little it takes to turn the boat and overcorrected several times... while he was gone we made little forward progress as I made the vessel go from side to side.

There was a trawler behind us and several sail sailer looked to be in trouble and another called on the radio to help him but his wife said she thought he had it under control. It was like a roller coaster ride falling down into the wave and then climbing back up the next one! There was no way I could have let go to take a picture. I wasn't feeling sick but took no chances & put on those tight wrist bands. We were only doing 7 knots but slowed to 5 knots after trying faster to see if that would smooth things out. The other trawler, a Grand Banks, was also bouncing around but seemed to be having an easier time of it. He didn't slow when we did and soon past us. However, when the waves got to about 4 ft we all ran for shelter & met again in the Oriental Harbor.

We are anchored in a beautiful little creek in Oriental. On the other side of the bridge in the picture are rough waves... in here no waves and Miss gg is turning/swinging in the wind ever so gently. Safe Harbor!

The Captain spent the afternoon wiring the auto pilot & VHF radio to the GPS which is all done under the console on the bridge. The First Mate took a nap on the sofa in the salon and later worked a crossword puzzle and started a simple dinner.

Our plan is to leave early tomorrow hoping it won't be as rough and maybe make up some time to our next stop. But we certainly are enjoying the journey regardless...Wahoo!

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