Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day in Norfolk

A wonderful Mother's Day in Norfolk....raining & windy to start with but clear about noon with  cooler temps than yesterday.. nice!  Heard from all my children today plus a couple of very sweet sons in law.

We are used to a very friendly marina in New Bern but not a lot of people here seem to want to chat so I prayed for friends this a.m.  God is so good & sometimes FAST!  Our new friends are Bob & Ginny Roche from Savannah, GA.  After they rent a car to return to GA for their daughter's wedding they will also be doing the Loop but in a tiny boat.  We gave them a boat card and the wife noticed the scripture on it and started telling us about a church they found here.  Tonight when I stopped by to take their picture, Bob came out with a Bible and read our boat card scripture aloud!

Walter worked all day on the installation of the new winches & still has work to be done on them.  Tomorrow I will take the free taxi to the grocery store and we will check on having the boat hauled.

Hope all you moms had a great day!

Bob & Ginny Roche
Miss Ginny, the Roche's boat

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