Saturday, May 11, 2013

Norfolk First Day

We are thankful that we are still in Norfolk and not out on the Chesapeake as the weather there and here is not good..... big storm also expected here soon. And it looks like several days of rough weather. Which is okay since the part we need is not due in until Tuesday.

We decided to stay at same marina instead of trying to maneuver out of our slip in this wind and we now plan to be here at least through Sunday night. Monday we would like to move Miss gg across the harbor to a haul out place if they can schedule us. We heard the squeaking/rubbing of the lines on the stern last night.. right outside our cabin. Anchoring out is certainly better but we are more protected here.

Work on the boat progressed today as Walter finished the inside wiring for the new winches. By the time he finished it was too lake to pull the boat out a ways in our slip and lower the dinghy to get old winches off. And the wind has started up by then.

I walked around town today on the nice brick sidewalks.  Where was everyone? Then I remembered it was Saturday!  When it got too hot I walked in the mall on all three floors.... no shopping just walking! Spent some time watching boats come and go... really big luxury boats! Some of them have fancy cloth covers on the fenders and they didn't even take them off for docking!

Our Adventure has been a whirlwind and we are loving it but I'm glad for this slower day. God is good!

Downtown Norfolk 
Even beautiful Norfolk has construction signs!

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