Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back from Shore Leave

Up at 5a with a long taxi ride to Baltimore Washington International and off to Tampa.  Return flight was delayed 4 times but I am finally at the boat and preparing for a long day tomorrow cruising to our anchorage just outside the C & D (Chesapeake/Delaware) Canal.

I had the amazing privilege to be at the Baltimore airport this morning when the Honor Flight carrying World War II soldiers arrived just two gates down from where I would be departing.  This flight had been announced early so folks could welcome them.  I couldn't leave as my plane had already started loading.   I could hear all the shouts and great applause.   Then one by one the honorees in wheel chairs came by our gate... I thought about the many times I have seen soliders and not said anything to them... I have wanted to go right up to them and say, “thank you” but never did.  So today I stood out near their path and was the lone applauder at our gate.  As they passed me each retired soldier either waved or saluted and said a quiet thank you to me.  By the time I heard the final call for my flight my eyes were watering.   Some call these men the "Greatest Generation".  We should all call them Heroes!

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