Friday, May 10, 2013


Rail Road Lift Bridge
We entered Norfolk Harbor via a rail road lift bridge that was already up enough for us to pass under it.  Not as much traffic moving today as I would have thought.  There were two barges in the distance but they were moving away from us.  I wanted to get a photo of our first barge encounter as a fairly large one moved toward us.  I was about to snap the picture when the barge blew his air horn one time....meaning he was passing us on the "one" or port side... Walter had me run down and turn on our horn because we were suppose to answer him with same showing we understood.  

Red Barge and matching tug
We passed an anchored pretty red barge on the way that had a "nook" cut out in the back of it that just fit the matching red tug boat!

We are at Waterside Marina in downtown Norfolk!  Very pretty area.  Everything so clean and lots of trees of all sizes...a huge mall was 4 blocks away where we walked to have lunch at Chili's.... I love their salads!

Waterside Marina just left of center in front of tall buildings
Walter spent the afternoon calling around and looking for parts... we have another serious problem with the forward head (toilet)!  He took a taxi ride to three places to find parts and then worked until 7p taking everything apart and still it didn't work... he was covered in sweat from working all this time in the engine room below the salon.  I knew he must be so disappointed so I asked was it time to sell the boat and go home? "What? for this little problem?".. he is loving the Adventure enough to press on.. I'm so glad cause I am, too!  :-)  We may be here a while waiting on parts. We will find an anchorage probably rather than staying at this dock..... Please pray our repairs get done soon.  Here are a few more photos. 

Some of our dock mates

Docking with the big boys tonight

And the really BIG boys!

7p from our deck
Water front Across from our boat

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