Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Late Start Long Day

We slept in a bit because we needed some meds from the drug store in Belhaven two miles from our anchorage and they would not be opened until 9a.

What a beautiful morning on the water today... smooth as could be which made the numerous crab pots easy to see and dodge. Docking at the City dock in Belhaven was awful because GA couldn't do what was needed fast enough... wind kept blowing the boat away from the dock as she tried to put the line around a very tall pile.

They did have a $5 pump out so Walter walked a couple of blocks to City Hall and paid the fee and while he pumped out the holding tank GA got a ride to the drug store... would have loved to walk but not in boat shoes!... forgot to put on regular tennis shoes.

We spent a lot of time (20 miles) on the pretty Alligator/Pongo River Canal.. very peaceful. It is a canal cut between the two rivers. AND we had our first experience passing a large barge carrying HUGE granite stones. He was coming toward us very fast. "West bound barge this is miss gg approaching you from the front, okay to pass port to port captain?"  

GA took over the wheel for a short time...fun. We didn't have as much traffic as yesterday but there were a few sailboats traveling with us. A fancy fast Sea Ray passed us and the small sail boat behind us... I was concerned for the sail boat but the Sea Ray politely slowed down and made sure his wake would clear our boats before going fast again.

The next big thing today was our first bridge opening at the Alligator River swing bridge. I only have pictures of it after we were through it... we were too busy holding on and I messed up the pictures... I think my finger was over the lens. A storm came up just before we got to the bridge and then we had to wait until some workmen cleared the bridge and they shut the car traffic gates. We had to make several turns in front of the bridge while we waited.. no control in a storm if you idle back the engines.... as we turned we got hit by the big waves on the side or abeam of the boat. We were rolling & rolling..... where were my sea bands?! I then wondered how we would go through the bridge when it did open without hitting the piers under it? Walter accomplished this by going faster as he had more control of the boat then. Our sail boat buddy offered to wait and let us go first but Walter suggested (Blue Moon) take the right side of the swing opening and Miss gg would take the left... and so we were both through... storm was then calming and the storm behind us, never reached us!  We had heavy black clouds every where this afternoon.

Tonight we are anchored in a place called South Lake about 3 miles from the ICW....we wanted to be sure we would be more protected from any storms. Other anchorages were too close to Abermarle Sound which we will be crossing early tomorrow. Last night there were many large beautiful homes all around us but tonight we are in what looks like a wilderness. Last night we were rocked to sleep by the waves and I hope for a repeat tonight... that was so nice! Should be even more peaceful since friends told us about a anchor alarm application and Walter has activated it on his Iphone. It will go off if the anchor starts dragging...in other words if we break free of the bottom mud and start drifting... This app is called “Drag Queen”. Ha!

Some news that will slow us down a bit:   Boat will have to be hauled soon. Taking it OUT of the water! We have had the bilge pump come on and stay on sometimes and now we know why. The starboard rudder stuffing box is leaking and tightening it did not stop the leak. For those of you who have kept up with us know you have heard something like this before... it was the propeller shaft stuffing boxes that were repaired & restuffed during the April haul out. Walter is on with Active Captive website looking for a good place for the repair. We might be able to wait until Norfolk which is where we had our new winches for the dinghy shipped.

Tomorrow we will dock in Elizabeth City just before the Great Dismal Swamp which I am looking forward to experiencing. We saw it once from the highway rest stop by the boat dock there. George Washington had this dug to drain the area and sell the timber. We will probably get to test our new mosquito repellent.. oh! Joy!

1 comment:

  1. George Ann, it sounds like you've had some adventures already! Sorry to hear that you're going to need some repairs...I guess you were somewhat prepared that things like that could/would happen. Every evening I can't wait to see where you are. Love the tracking program!!! You guys take care, and have fun!
