Sunday, June 30, 2013

St Jean to Sorel & the St. Lawrence Seaway

A beautiful LONG day.  We left about 9:30a in a 2 knot current pushing us up the Richelieu River.

Shows Current Rushing past Buoy 

By the time we left, the Bridges and Locks were opening on demand... earlier boaters had to wait on scheduled openings.  
Bridge Opening before First Lock on the Chambly Canal

The French know how to do it.. put a park by each lock with benches... we were definitely the morning's entertainment! Some spoke English and we had brief chats waiting at each lock for the water to level out with the next pool.  All wanted to know where we were from in America and where we were going....wishing us safe journeys. Darling French children melting my heart as they threw kisses and hugs when they heard their parents say I was missing my grand children!

The Chambly Canal was built beside the Richelieu River so that barges could get up river without going through the rapids. Today only recreational boats use it.

Bike & Walking Path beside the entire Length of the Canal

Some of the Rapids in the River

The speed limit in the Canal was only 5.4 knots.... bikers were passing us!   And even the runners!

The Last 6 Locks in the Chambly Canal are like the original ones... they are hand cranked!

Opening Flood Gates & Lock by Hand
We had a crowd at the last 3 locks that stair step down into the Chambly basin (lake).  We were the only boat locking through.

The First of Three Stair Step Locks going down to the Lake (hand cranked)

Mountains at North End of Lake

The Richelieu River continues pass this lake and our plan was to anchor out a short way up the river. However, the river was literally crowded with 100's of boats and the side channel we were going to anchor in was so congested we would have had a very hard time working our way in there.  So we decided to go on to Sorel... really a bit too far after we worked through TEN locks but it was such a pretty day.....

BOATS! Everywhere!!

We saw a older couple in a pontoon boat and he was signally us to come over....Many were just roaring passed them! So we turned and came back to them hoping they spoke English. They were Frech Canadians but did speak English. He was out of gas! He had just bought the boat and didn't know how much gas was in it. We had a small plastic can of gas for our dinghy motor and it was the kind they needed. Now how were we going to get it to them? I ended up hanging over the bow sprit and then dropped it into the man's hands. They were only one mile from home so it should have been enough gas to make that distance. We asked the Lord to bless them and we were back on course for Sorel.  

We entered the St. Lawrence Seaway about 7p filled with ships. I was amazed that I was not at all intiminated by them!  So maybe Mobile Bay won't be so bad after all.

We docked at our marina near Sorel at 730p.  Exhausted!  But so glad to be ahead of the rainy weather.  Our poor friends at Waterford, NY... the latest update on the Erie Canal opening is now another one to two weeks due to recent flooding and storm damage......AGAIN!  Some are even down below the Troy Lock because it is now also closed.  

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Does Anyone Speak English???

The morning was bright to start with but then some clouds moved in and WE MOVED OUT! No one else seemed to be up when we left at 8:40a but we wanted to take advantage of a bit of drier weather predicted for the morning.

Just before we left Walter called the customs office as it says to do in the Waterway Guide. The Captain understood the lady with the french accent to say we could just call them when we docked at Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu (St. Jean on the Richelieu River). She said there was no need to stop at the customs dock. So within 16 minutes of leaving our marina we cruised right across the border!  It was 9a and we were enjoying the ride.....THEN at 9:07 a french Canadian on the radio said, (now please slur these words and say them aloud with your best French accent!) “Miss ggiggi Miss ggiggi Miss ggiggi (I loved hearing the boat name said this way!) this is the Canadian Border Patrol”.... We answered and they were beside themselves saying excitedly, “You went right by the Customs Dock!!... you have to STOP!!” We said we would be glad to turn around even though we had been told it was not necessary ..…. and frankly we figured they were bored and, for a second, thought to give them some excitement by firewalling the throttles...... But we were the good guys and quickly turned around and went back to their dock.

Canadian Customs Dock

Don't you think if someone is working the border for a country they need to speak both their country's language and the other country's tongue??? Walter said it would be a starboard tie so I ran to get the lines out that I had just put away.... I rigged just the stern and the bow. As we neared the dock I asked the one question I have started with all day when needing something from anyone in Quebec: “do you speak English?” EVERYTIME the answer is always the same as with this guy, “yea”. So I asked him if he wanted a stern line first. He looked at me blankly.... so I repeated it... no understanding showed in his eyes so I walked to the forward deck and asked if he wanted the bow line first...again a blank stare and he had no hands out to catch any line! What on earth?! We were getting close to the dock and I needed someone to get the line I was about to throw! Then he says something in french to another guy not seen inside building... he turns to me and says I have no knowledge of “line”... so I said, “ROPE”? Still nothing... okay I was done and he had best catch whatever I threw... he still didn't have his hands out when I hit him with the rope! But he caught it and started tying us up and then after I encouraged him to follow me forward he caught the bow line. Whew! At this point I think we must be in big trouble... he is not being friendly at all.... but later when talking to Walter he seemed to be able to speak English pretty well....... The other guy came out on the dock and told us that everyone must stop at this dock but up river there are no docks so you just call. Huh?   
The Captain shows our papers to the Custom Agent

The agent asked if we had cigarettes or liquor on board.  Walter told him no tobacco but three bottles of wine!  We had been given two at the Bon Voyage party and one marina had one in their gift bag.   He let us keep them... so we saved the wine for our friends! However, the Captain said the wine was starting to smell good so family & friends you best join us soon.  :-)  

Released from the custom agents we continued and soon passed an opened Railroad Bridge.  Which stays open for boaters until time for the train.


When we entered Canada the water became the Richelieu River. There were pretty homes & yards along the River banks.


We thought the water must be very cold. I was wearing a knit pullover sweater on top of a long sleeve T-shirt. As we went along we saw a few people IN the water but all were wearing wet suits.    

We docked at the Marina here at St. Jean before 12noon which was good as we needed to get to a cell phone store to get a Canadian pre-paid phone and hopefully a Canadian card for our Hot Spot so we will not have huge charges on our present cell phone and still have Internet access to do the blog.  

In the office we were told the banks were open today.. Saturday! So we hoped to exchange some of our American $ for Canadian. The Marina office printed up a map to the phone store & the bank... we walked many many blocks looking for the “OPENED” bank and the phone store.... We would ask, “do you speak English” before asking how to find places... everyone speaks English.. yea, right!  

We never found these places.. went into what we were told was a mall and it turned out to be a huge speciality grocery store. I asked an employee if he spoke English and... you guessed, he did.  I told him I needed a cell phone and he immediately led me to the Saffron spice!  It was so funny that I nearly laughed but then pulled out my cell phone and showed him what I wanted... my phone is not a smart phone so perhaps he didn't recognize it. ???  He took me to a young gal behind the deli counter..who kindly wrote down the name of the mall where we would find many cell phone companies in Kiosks AND she called a taxi for us.... the Taxi driver went to English schools and really did speak English.

Back at the boat in time to heat up some leftovers for dinner and plan tomorrow's trip down the locks of the Chambly Canal.   

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Drizzly Day in Rouses Point, NY

When the Sun finally Came out we could see the Many Boats on Mooring Balls at our Marina

We saw Rouses Point today mostly from our boat due to the down pour!  It started last night with terrible wind that rocked Miss gg more than she has ever been rocked. And the noise of the fenders squeaking and bumping the dock/boat was pretty loud. The Captain and I were not too sure we could lie down without getting sick! However, we were very surprised that the rolling and bumping put us to sleep! WOW!  In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

It is almost the end of June but we were wearing long sleeves and jeans this morning. Total overcast and rain fall made the temps fall to lower 60s.  We looked for the bridge we will go under to get to Canada and couldn't see it due to the heavy rain and fog.

Walter worked on installing the new circuit breaker and instead of it taking half a day he finished in only 1.5 hours.   He had to go out in the rain a couple of times to disconnect & reconnect the shore power but better that than get electrocuted!  The plan for me was cleaning but it was all I could do to make the bed without getting sea sick.  I did best just being still.... but was able to stand at the stove frying up 5 lbs of ground beef to store in the freezer on board.  I put each pound into a freezer zip lock, patted it flat and froze it that way... takes up very little room.  But if I tried to move around cleaning I got whoozie.. well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :-) Mildew will have to live a little longer!!

There is a fat and sassy little birdy somewhere that we just love.... he showed up during a slow down in the rain and started gobbling up those bugs!  We watched quietly from inside the front windows as he cleaned off the bow!  

When the rain did quit and the sun peeked out this place became alive with boats coming and going... we watched to see if any went north under the bridge but most stopped here.  Or just went out for a little fun in dinghies.... the dinghy dock was full of dinghies from the folks from the moorings.  
When the Sun came out the Dinghy Dock got very busy.  It has its own Break Water (Red). 

50 percent chance of morning rain but we are planning on moving north... will call Canadian Customs first thing in the morning.  We may be able to just check in that way and get a number that shows we have called and declared our entrance to their country.  We will also put up a small courtesy Canadian flag we got before leaving New Bern.  

The water is calm tonight and we look forward to a bright morning.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cruising to Rouses Point, NY

Today was smooth and lovely on the north end of Lake Champlain. I especially loved the cloud patterns in the sky.   I took this photo from the bridge where we had all the smiley's opened.

We passed Vermont's Isle of La Motte on the east shown here.

On the west was Point Au Roche, NY....

We slowed for a fisherman near our boat. This is a common curtesy but as we travel north less and less people do this... if you don't slow down your wake can really rock a small boat,

This is another picture of the New York side of the lake.... notice how still the water is...

This picture was taken from the bridge looking aft.  The only stirring of the water is our wake.

The first mate had to do circles waiting on the marina here to answer our radio call and to avoid hitting this double masted sail boat.
The wind had picked up a bit also.  

As we got closer to the upper end of the lake today the radio communications we heard were often in French. The Captain thinks because I took French in high school 50+ years ago I should be able to understand these communiques! Ha!

We had called ahead yesterday to reserved a slip here but the lady in the office is Canadian with her native language being French. In her limited English she could not even guide us into our slip... suggested a slip that had a unstepped mast on a sail boat near by that we would have hit... the Captain decided with no help on the dock that he would select his own slip and did! I was about to load the Landing Loop when I heard him idle the engines and jump off the boat to grab my line and together we tied her up securely.

In our slip at Rouses Point, NY.

The Orange balls we use in the locks helped out here as the wind was pushing us hard against the floating finger dock.

This ladder was made by the Captain and it is pretty neat.  It folds up so it can be stowed in the back of the sun deck.

Just today some million or so Bugs invaded here.. not sure what they are called but maybe the name is May flies?  They have attached themselves to everything..... here they are on the swim deck of the boat on other side of dock from us.  We expect to have a few on Miss gg by tomorrow.

Here is one close up.

We were hoping to replenish the boat with groceries, etc before entering Canada where everything would be very expensive. There is no grocery store nearby!  We did find out that the owner usually allows boaters to borrow his car but he was out of town... oh dear. But a wonderful worker here came into the office and found out we needed to get to grocery store and said we could use the owner's truck! Yippee!  We bought a lot of stuff and are now trying to put it all away... we have a good bit of storage here compared to some boats but we have to stack the things, often having to move something to get to something else.  But we are thankful for the space.

So now guess what we are awaiting? Yep! RAIN and flooding!.... there are constant warnings on the TV to prepare to leave your home and to expect basements to flood. Hard rain is due here tonight and all day tomorrow... we may never get rid of the mildew!... hoping the old folks don't rot!  

Tomorrow, IF we leave here, we will pass under this bridge and shortly there after go through customs at the Canadian border.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Lot of Rain, A Little Sun

Rain Rain and more RAIN starting early this morning. It is suppose to quit by 2p or else I will be walking in the rain to the laundromat a few blocks away. The Captain is out of socks!  How did this happen?!  Well, we have often forgotten the day of the week so guess I forgot about the weekly chores, too. The idea of going to a laundromat is actually not a bad thing on this trip... gives us time to mingle with the locals and we have found great new friends this way... like Ron and Gigi, a couple we met in the local wash & dry place in Waterford, NY.  In that town everyone on the street says hello but here is a different story. They don't seem to be as trusting in Burlington.  I said hello to a young college student yesterday when she passed me wearing her backpack but she just gave me a strange look. Okay, stop laughing... I know I'm weird!  I forget about my crooked smile and the one eye that doesn't open all the way... surely her mama told her not to talk to one eyed strangers!

When the rain finally quit about 1230p we started walking with two loads of washed clothes needing to just be dried. The washer in the boat is okay but the dryer is ridiculous!  If you put two towels in it there is a chance they might dry in a couple of hours but more than likely they will just be hot & damp.  Our walk was UPHILL as it seems most streets are from the marina no matter what direction you go.  We passed the waterfront park near our marina.  

After the clothes were home (yeah, Miss gg is HOME!) we loaded up the washed bath towels and boarded the free shuttle bus to the Pedestrian Mall. Walter knew of a laundromat nearby so while I did a little shopping he took laundry duty.   Later he rode the bus back to the the boat.   What?  I thought we would be walking to the University together but he did this yesterday on way to West Marine and was not ready to do it again.  So off I went Uphill but not before I stopped in Ben & Jerry's for an energy drink... right!.... a large chocolate milk shake!  

I believe I was wrong in my assessment of the folks here.. some are friendly... a lady saw me with one arm full of small purchases and the other hand full of calories (shake) and said she would push the cross walk button for me.  :-) 

On my way up to the University I passed many old interesting houses some of which have been converted to fraternity houses.  

This is a public elementary school. What you see here is less than half the building... another building this size is attached on the east side by a two story building between them!  Could this house ALL the children in Burlington?
Edmunds Elementary School

The University was founded by the state founder, Ira Allen in 1791. 

Classroom building at UVM

UVM Library

The Ira Allen Chapel
 A very beautiful campus!  It was getting late so I started walking back down to the Pedestrian Mall where I would then walk uphill again to Church Street to catch the free shuttle to the marina.  However, I found out that the shuttle only runs every 30 min. after 6p and it had just left!  I could see the waterfront in the distance so I walked back to the boat arriving after 630p. Whew!

In front of the marina there was a paddling competition going on behind the break water.  Appeared to be young children.  

Our generator part came late this afternoon so Walter will install it at our next stop. We are planning on leaving early tomorrow morning so he will have time to do this at Rouses Point, NY.  I will also need to provision the boat before we enter Canada where every thing will probably cost more.  We are asking family & friends to not text or call us except in a emergency until we get a prepaid Canadian phone and hopefully a Canadian card for our Hot Spot to continue the blog.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Beautiful Burlington, Vermont

GREAT HAPPY NEWS!  We have found a generator circuit breaker!  It is in a warehouse in North Carolina that stocks old Hatteras parts... they had only one!  That's all we need and it is being flown here overnight.... a huge savings from having to order one custom made. Wahoo!  

"Grand Central Station in miniature!” That is what the people here in Burlington called their new train station in 1915.  It was built to show travelers how sophisticated, wealthy and up to date Burlington was. There was bragging about the double track with its overhead walkway, spacious waiting room and the telegraph's office fancy clock that was never more than 15 seconds slow!

Union Station Burlington, VT

Within a half block of our boat slip is the Lake Aquarium & Science Center called “ECHO” which stands for Ecology, Culture, History & Opportunity.  

The entrance to the Waterfront and our boat slip had red brick walkways and pretty flowers.  At this circle one can catch a free shuttle bus to downtown and several other stops.  On the front of the bus was a bike rack if you needed a break from peddling or a lift to one of the many bike trails here.


Tree lined streets and an interesting apartment building:

Walter & I walked to the Pedestrian Mall looking for a place to eat lunch.  It had several blocks of shopping with no cars and no bicycles.  Lots & lots of eateries and some big named department stores along with unique shops.


Out Door dining at the Pedestrian Mall
This seemed to be a place where old hippies gathered, too.   A few young ones also with guitar cases open on the ground in front of them. They were making $ even if they couldn't sing!  Might be an idea for me at the next dock where we need to pay for a boat part...whatcha think?

We will be here another day waiting on the generator part to arrive and then Walter will have to install it.  I am blessed to be on this Adventure with an engineer fix-it guy!  

Thunder storms all afternoon rained out the photographer! Hoping to get a few more shots of this lovely city tomorrow before the rain hits.