Monday, June 17, 2013

Good Bye Tug Boat, Hello City Docks!

I was up early so walked down to the river to check water height on 126th street bridge... down a lot but still too high for Miss gg to get under. Back at the boat Walter went to a meeting of the canal people and the boaters. He was told our boat and 4 others would be moved down to the city docks by noon. Our new friend, Marge, had invited us for lunch at her house but we had to tell her we might be late. By noon when no one had told us anything we called her and suggested she come to the boat and then go with us down the two locks to the city dock. She brought us the most delicious sandwiches and two side dishes, Sweet Potato salad & coleslaw. Just as we were finishing up they came to tell us to start moving the boat.  I thought Marge would want to sit up on the bridge with the captain but there she was smack dab on the fore deck waiting for what would happen next!  I could see right away she is not one to take cover but wants to experience all the action... ahhh a kindred spirit!  She had thoughtfully brought me some bright yellow rubber gloves to wear... I didn't want to “experience” the SLIME!  And Marge was our excellent photographer!

At Top of Lock Wall going down about 15 Feet
Walter Holding Midship Line attached to Lock Wall

Yuck Slime!

6 Boats (two behind us/three in front) at Bottom of Lock Waiting for Lock Gate to Open
Gate Open on Last Lock.... Boats Lining up on City Dock far Left

Just as we turned and lined up to dock the rain poured down and we were soaked... AGAIN!  But we now have a lovely free dock with water and electricity! AND we are very close to town and the laundry mat.

Our New Good Friend, Marge, takes a turn at the Helm!

The sun came back out after we were all tied up. We changed into dry clothes and took our salad and joined the party up at lock two... a short walk on the docks & up a hill.  The crew from "Drake's Dream" organized the cook out and the captain, Jerry, grilled our meat.   The meat that was donated by a wonderful Henry's Meat Market in town!!  A female staff member who was also engineer on our tug made awesome brownies for dessert.

And before it was all over an important group gathered for a photo....... 


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