Saturday, June 8, 2013

Leaving New York City on the Hudson River

The sun came out today and the winds were calm which made it easier for the Captain to get Miss gg out of a tight slip at our marina.  A nice Canadian in the slip next to us helped with the lines and we were off!  

Freedom Tower from our Dock this Morning

 It was a pleasant ride, so smooth, as we passed the upper west end of the City. So much nicer than the last time when we were smashing through the waves on the Atlantic Thursday!  And today we were on a rising tide...

Empire State Building under a Cloudy Sky 

It was nice after all the concrete to see the countryside so green along the river. We passed under the George Washington Bridge opened in 1931. 30 years later that lower, second deck was built & they call it the “Martha Washington Bridge”. :-)

Approaching the George Washington Bridge

After this bridge we passed the Palisades on the west side of the River. They are 300 to 500 foot cliffs so named because they look like the wooden walls they used to put around forts long ago.


Then we passed under the Tappan Zee Bridge which links New York City to Albany & Buffalo. 

The Tappan Zee Bridge

We are now at Half Moon Bay Marina where we had reserved a slip yesterday but another boat that was suppose to be gone is still there.. .no one aboard so dock master can't get a hold of owner!  So they put us on the outside in front of the breakwater on their pump out dock.  We are bouncing a lot and waves are hitting our transom (back end of boat).  Should be an interesting night. But at least we are getting a very good deal for night's docking.

We are looking forward to visiting West Point tomorrow as we continue up the Hudson River.

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