Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Saying Good-bye to Waterford, NY

We spent part of the day doing laundry and getting ready to depart this lovely town. We met another couple at the laundromat today... really nice folks... I would not mind living here at all....except maybe in the winter. :-0

We called a cab to take us to Chili's in a nearby town for a late lunch. Then we walked to Walmart for some supplies. The walk was 1.5 miles and was cooler than we had thought it would be... no jackets! But we found everything we needed including CLOTH diapers! A rare find! They make great cleaning rags for the Isinglass that scratches easily.

It has been a lot cooler than we expected and so we also bought a blanket for the times we will be anchored out in Canada. We do have a generator but we don't run it a lot.... we like the peaceful quiet without it. I am lovin' the cool weather... however, I am so glad I brought along lots of long sleeves and a wool sweater.

This pictures shows how I got 4 loads of clean linen and laundry back to the boat!
GA's Rolling Laundry: A Grocery Store Basket, Luggage Cart and some well placed elastic Cords
On the way to the laundromat I tried to take a picture of one of the pretty yards in this little village. No houses with really big yards but what they have is so beautiful... the entire yards are often full of plantings... pretty flowers.

At the Visitor Center here someone has painstakingly laid white bricks among the red ones to represent the paths of the Erie Canal and the Champlian Canal.  Each lock is also marked. The dock master worked hard for two days to clean off the mud and it is sparkling now.

The Erie Canal in White Brick

The Champlain Canal

Long ago when the canal was first used, barges were towed by mules. The Visitor Center has preserved this history by putting Mule prints in the concrete on the side of the canal.
After Marge got off work she came to say good-bye to us. We will never forget her spirit or her kindness to us... I am sure we will meet her again this side of heaven... I am going to miss her!

Walter checked with Lock #1 on the Champlain and the Lock master said the water levels are normal which should mean we can get under the 126th street bridge tomorrow.  We will have to call Lock #3 ahead of time to make sure they can lower the pool there so we can get under the railroad bridge right after the lock.

Everyone has talked about Don & Paul's cafe for breakfast.. the couple from the boat in front of us eats breakfast there every day!  So we will treat ourselves to this just before dropping the lines and heading north. Hurray!.... . so exciting to think when morning comes we will soon be off on our Adventure again! 

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