Friday, June 28, 2013

A Drizzly Day in Rouses Point, NY

When the Sun finally Came out we could see the Many Boats on Mooring Balls at our Marina

We saw Rouses Point today mostly from our boat due to the down pour!  It started last night with terrible wind that rocked Miss gg more than she has ever been rocked. And the noise of the fenders squeaking and bumping the dock/boat was pretty loud. The Captain and I were not too sure we could lie down without getting sick! However, we were very surprised that the rolling and bumping put us to sleep! WOW!  In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

It is almost the end of June but we were wearing long sleeves and jeans this morning. Total overcast and rain fall made the temps fall to lower 60s.  We looked for the bridge we will go under to get to Canada and couldn't see it due to the heavy rain and fog.

Walter worked on installing the new circuit breaker and instead of it taking half a day he finished in only 1.5 hours.   He had to go out in the rain a couple of times to disconnect & reconnect the shore power but better that than get electrocuted!  The plan for me was cleaning but it was all I could do to make the bed without getting sea sick.  I did best just being still.... but was able to stand at the stove frying up 5 lbs of ground beef to store in the freezer on board.  I put each pound into a freezer zip lock, patted it flat and froze it that way... takes up very little room.  But if I tried to move around cleaning I got whoozie.. well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :-) Mildew will have to live a little longer!!

There is a fat and sassy little birdy somewhere that we just love.... he showed up during a slow down in the rain and started gobbling up those bugs!  We watched quietly from inside the front windows as he cleaned off the bow!  

When the rain did quit and the sun peeked out this place became alive with boats coming and going... we watched to see if any went north under the bridge but most stopped here.  Or just went out for a little fun in dinghies.... the dinghy dock was full of dinghies from the folks from the moorings.  
When the Sun came out the Dinghy Dock got very busy.  It has its own Break Water (Red). 

50 percent chance of morning rain but we are planning on moving north... will call Canadian Customs first thing in the morning.  We may be able to just check in that way and get a number that shows we have called and declared our entrance to their country.  We will also put up a small courtesy Canadian flag we got before leaving New Bern.  

The water is calm tonight and we look forward to a bright morning.

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