Friday, June 14, 2013

Thundering Water on a Sun Shiny Day

The Cohoes Falls on the Mohawk River

We had a good night and woke to something we have not seen in a while.. BRIGHT sun light! No rain today but we are now hearing distance thunder. There is another thundering also.. it is the water over many spill ways. As we understand it we may be here for at least 4 days or perhaps a week! It just takes time for the water in all the lakes and streams to get down here to these big rivers: The Hudson and the Mohawk Rivers which meet right here at Waterford, NY.  The Mohawk Falls pictured above usually has only a small trickle going over this falls. Today it reminded us of Niagara Falls!

It is only about 10 blocks to town so we walked down to see the water front where the city docks are located and where we were briefly docked until rescued by the wonderful canal staff here. Later we walked over the bridge we could not get under on Thursday & the water is even higher today.  Notice the park bench underwater in second photo here.

Flooding Across from the City Docks
Waterfront Park where we were Docked

While at the city docks several other local folks came to see what was happening with the water... some live right on the Mohawk River here in town and have suffered great damage in the past. Hurricane Irene brought the water up to the second story of the city docks building. So all of us in boats were not so much the curiousity yesterday that I thought... the people were concerned for their homes!  We met a nice lady this morning who offered to take us to a hardware store that was several miles away.  We gladly accepted and got quite a tour of this city.  She also took us to Cohoes to see the falls pictured at top.  We found out that Cohoes, like many towns in the Hudson River Valley, was a busy industrial town with mills that made fabrics... huge factories there now being converted to condos and lofts.. also many large brick buildings all alike along a couple of streets where the mill workers used to live.  

In this picture we were tied to the city wall behind this tug which is now floating above that wall. We don't know why it was left there but suspect they could not find the owner or a key to start its engines to move it. When the water recedes it may turn over and take on water and sink!  We are blessed to be in safe and dry place!

The Canal staff has been wonderful. Today while we were making our frist trip to town they went to West Marine and bought special expensive plugs to hook us all up with electricity. They used their truck with a big tank on it and hooked up a vacuum to it to pump out every boat here on this pool and the one below us where they have also put more boats to keep them safe. The people in the town are very nice also.. .one man noticed us walking along carrying laundry from doing our wash today at the laundry mat in town. He said, “You must be from the boats”... he said he sees this happen every few years... so many have offered to help. We are in a good place....

Here we are parked with all the heavy canal equipment around us including the tug boat we are moored to and we are GLAD to be here! God is good!

Miss gg on far Right 

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